Oh, I know where his cock has been. I was referring to “would/would not bang” status between these two men. Without his money/fame/access/family, DTJ would be a Sandwich Artist® incel.
Oh, I know where his cock has been. I was referring to “would/would not bang” status between these two men. Without his money/fame/access/family, DTJ would be a Sandwich Artist® incel.
Perfect, that’s more like it!
Aw man, that sounds like him and it makes me a bit nostalgic.
Your lips to dog’s ears, my dude!
Oh, ffs! Ew.
Me too, friend. I moved from the conservative bastion of Orange County, CA to crunchy blue Minneapolis for college in the 90's and ended up staying for many years. Wellstone and Minnesota made me into the raging liberal I am today. I will always love Wellstone and Minnesota for the progressive ideals I learned there.
I dunno. Pretty sure he’s worth some pretty spectacular rides*, though.
Haha, you nailed it, friend! I actually haven’t started the second season yet, but it’s been on my mind.
Come on, you know DTJ is leveraged up the ass by Russia. He doesn’t have shit. Remember, this gross Fox Trumpchick™ tried to score Huckabee-Sanders’ job at the beginning of our national nightmare.
There you go. See, super-bangable! Besides, seems like she has a soft spot for cheaters, seeing as she’s fucking Assmouth Jr.
I’m not either. I have experience with bloated corpses and I know one when I see one. It’s funny that you should bring up Indiana Jones because I was referring to the mass graves I’ve excavated as an archaeologist.
You know it! She’s a full on ride-or-die Fox Trumpchick™ who is actively fucking the unsentient chinless pomade blob that composes the bulk of Trump jr. She’s gonna give him a shit ton of inside information on her ex. Fuck.
Holy shit, dude is real close to being a fulltime corpse.
Welp. Thanks for that nasty reverie you just dropped in my subconscious. I’m sure it’ll manifest itself in my inevitable nightmares tonight.
How the FUCK do you go from Gavin “super-bangable” Newsom to the totally unfuckable piece of shit DTJ?! Gross.
This is some serious fucking bullshit. I want to know who authorized this early morning scare-raid and why it was necessary to conduct it in such a manner. They could have easily shown up on Monday morning, but no, they decided to bust in at an inappropriate time with FOUR dumbshit brownshirts just to scare the shit…
The “Two Weeks” video always gives me major ASMR tingles. The breathy vocals and Aaliyah/Queen of the Damned movements give me a scalp/brain orgasm EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. AND. I. LOVE. IT.