
I think the local government disputed that and painted over the mural before anyone actually crashed.

that part of you is wrong

I think you’re missing the point of living her life her way and chasing her dream. It was never about the book.

“I’m just going to roll this over into an offshore account... AND YOU’RE GOING TO LIKE IT!”

Must be nice to be able to understand this stuff.

I guess that is in F1 years

Haha. Beware the rabbit hole, you’ll be bidding on crates of helicopter parts in no time.

I mean, let’s be honest, if someone gave you a stack of cash to strap some GoPros on a Ferrari and fuck around Monaco for a week, you’d do it. Don’t even pretend you wouldn’t.

This is seriously the laziest piece of filmmaking I have ever seen. They had the chance to do something really special and instead they come out with this crap? It’s like they were trying to build a modern 250 GTO and instead built a Renault Twingo  

This is EXACTLY the kind of pointless, waste of time that bloated orange asshole would put tons of effort into until he bored of it 3 minutes later.

Shit, now that you've caught the eye of the Chinese, you'll be hearing from Trump soon.

Your thoughtful and informative take has no business being so far down in the comments. 

“Reliability is very important to me”

You clearly don’t pay much attention to Dave Chappelle aside from what a few sources in your bubble spoon feed you.

Why the fuck else do you think I’m excited for GT7?

I assume what he posted was bond. Bail is refunded, bond is not.

I’ll have you know I swim in the Detroit river every summer and it’s left me with a healthy green glow. 

Ja, naturlich.

I desperately need to see Torch order food with it in a drive through.

Star for correctly naming the force at play “centripetal” :D