Rational Petty

Yet we keep trying

Admittedly its hard to balance day-to-day life and being politically active.

There’s some positivity (as I wrote ‘positivity’, this comment box didn’t recognize the word and gave me some auto-correct suggestions lol). Cynicism won’t go anywhere.

Optimism is a conscious decision.

This has been going on since sentient humans have been a thing, yet we soldier on anyway.

Acquire some confidence

What the moderates need is some goddamned swagger and confidence.

George Bush is not nearly the polarizing figure Donald Trump is, and even so after learning from this we may stumble back and make a few more mistakes. This is humanity.

Now playing

Listen to this every morning and its impossible to have a bad day lol

I’m glad you have a basic high school level understanding of civics. Some don’t and until that changes patting ourselves on the back won’t do much.

It takes a while to change the guard, people are so set in their ways that their minds begin to ossify and close-off from new ideas. It is really difficult to examine ones own belief system, and some erroneously believe that challenging or critiquing their belief system is tantamount to challenging them.

Well this is our reality, so we can do nothing but read and react.

I actually think the fallout from the election of Trump will be a long-term benefit for our country. People have been reminded how active participation is required to buoy a democracy.

I wouldn’t say they are “delusional”, more fed up and confused, which the clever rhetors channel into xenophobia and such. In four years we find a halfway intelligent socially-liberal moderate, prune away the white-hatred and PC bullshit and its a landslide victory.

Lol I like the hat, that is all

Stripped of all context the hat itself is pretty swag. Still gonna wear it.