My nit is the odd texture of the face buttons (square, triangle, etc.). Something about it feels so off and made the controller feel cheap to me. However, I got used to it for the most part so now I only really notice it if I think about it.
My nit is the odd texture of the face buttons (square, triangle, etc.). Something about it feels so off and made the controller feel cheap to me. However, I got used to it for the most part so now I only really notice it if I think about it.
Either that or there are a bunch people that have been playing through it over and over since it was released, lol. Which, although it’s a great game, sounds insane to me.
Miles in particular stands out to me - doesn’t it clock in at around 10 hours? I mean, I haven’t played Demon Souls (games that punish you for wanting to play them isn’t my thing) but I imagine getting through that is probably at least 40-50 hours if not more. Valhalla,well, you can easily throw 100 hours into that…
Especially considering how short it is (doubly so when compared to the original), it’s kind of amazing it would get anywhere near a list of top games by hours played. I’m pretty sure I sneezed and went from the opening scene to the end boss.*
*this is, how you say, a joke.
Cant you get rid of the hedges with the island cleanup option, though?
I’m just grateful they just put out a proper wait list and didn’t arbitrarily limit pre-orders like MS and Sony did. I didn’t decide to preorder one until a full week later and I was still able to reserve a copy - no drama, no refreshing, no staying up until the tiny hours of the morning only to be disappointed.
Being well known sadly provides a lot of moderation-armor to just about anyone despite their political affiliation. If the orange nutcase had been just some Joe Schmo and not a reality tv star, you can bet his account would have been suspended ages before it actually was.
I can only hope that their idiotic screams of (repeatedly proven false*) election fraud causes their bases to stay home when the polls open, but I have a feeling that won’t happen.
*ok, there have been very few isolated cases... but they’ve almost entirely** been votes cast in favor of the reds, sooooo...
**and I only…
I’m willing to bet that if a normal person made a video and tweeted it that portrayed them murdering one of their coworkers, they would at the very least lose their job over it.
I’m really curious as to what makes your gaming area Very Gay™️
Look, just because they’re roommates and they share the same bed, shower together, go on long walks on the beach, and go out for candlelit dinners doesn’t mean they’re gay.
Hahahahaha I couldn’t say that with a straight face.
Yep, absolutely right. They want to go back to the sitcom version of 1950's America (because it never actually existed outside of there) where everyone had 2.5 kids, white picket fences, women knew their place and stayed home barefoot and pregnant, and them dark skinned folks helpfully stayed away cause they could…
Yeah, men are the problem - men who rape women are definitely a huge problem, and I’m personally ok with them leaving the work force to have some consensual fun with themselves and play video games until they realize that women are human beings and not blow up dolls.
This proves a couple of things... the PS5 definitely looks better in black, and even some goobers from dbrand can design a better looking console than the PS5. Fortunately, the plates are replaceable to begin with - they definitely didn’t have to do that. Of course, they probably did it to save money on having two…
Same here. Since Nintendo discontinued the black switch controllers before I could get my hands on them, the black skin for them has been a great replacement.
Seriously, I put off installing mine for a while because I assumed it would be a whole production, but then I was done in like 5 minutes. Took longer to wrangle the replacement hdmi cord I got for one of my other devices that I happened to do at the same time.
40 baits is the only way you’re going to snag any of the rare pier fish. Fish almost never spawn near a pier on their own.
I feel like it’s more of a tradition than a requirement, 555 numbers were used in movies for many years before Bruce Almighty.
Not pictured: more than one person on the bed... gee, I wonder what they think of gamers??
You forgot the RGB lights!