
How can RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked be nominated for anything when it is ONLY on YouTube and not on television?

Sudden magic, duh.

A green VW Beetle keeps appearing in various shots during the famous chase scene in the classic film, "Bullitt."

I saw Dazed- and as it was billed as a stoner comedy ("See it with a 'bud'!") got very high before- it was NOT what I expected!

I got to see many of these (I'm of an age where I recall when if you didn't see it in the theater, you'd NEVER get to see it), and let me tell you- NO ONE knew what "Airplane!" was going to be and we had to go back to get everything we missed when laughs drowned out the soundtrack.
The ones I wish I could have seen

Agree on Threads. Also: Testament. Both far 'worse' than Day After.

Yep. Seeing this flick with the Moonlighting guy wasn't the lame b-movie we were expecting!

I still have my "bootleg" VHS copies of the complete Simpsons shorts from Tracey Ullman, and most of the original Beavis and Buttheads- WITH the original videos! Thanks for reminding me- now to find them and transfer to DVD!

Ok. So I admit it- I laughed, and I cried. Twice. I agree that if New Girl doesn't come back, I'm happy with how they ended this, though I hope to see more.

Was anyone else disappointed to not have Eleven revealed as a 'boy' in homage to Sleepaway Camp?

Mooshy mooshy

If one of those queens ever does Fannie Flagg and wears the 'fried egg' shirt, I will lose my shit, though no one under 40 will get it.

Their Wisconsin accents were terrible and not even close.