
I mean isn’t this what the series has done since FF2? They share similar enemies, object, NPCs, ect. They aren’t doing anything new that they have done for decades.

Even if it puts the item in your inventory it’s always temporary. If temporarily putting these items in their inventory is the only way to use them in the server then this still affects all servers that modify existing weapons or give you temporary access to skins.

I doubt they are complaining about sales. The Xbox one is outselling the 360 which was a massive success for them. The 360 which had no competition for a whole year. Yeah. PS4 may be selling like hot cakes, but Xbox One is definitely not Underperforming.

I’m not very inclined to believe you. Its one thing if i heard over Xbox. Its another on a site like kotaku where people are known to lie about a console they own just to make the competitor look bad. Not just Kotaku, but the internet in general.

I just think it’s too easy for someone to knock over their xbox and out of spite just say they didn’t knock it over or they didn’t touch it. It’s too difficult for someone to lie about it and too hard to know if they are telling the truth and if MS has to pay money.

I agree. They put way too much resources into voice a male and female protagonist in a game as big as fallout thinking this is some big feature we wanted. Fallout 3 and NV, admittedly, do feel outdated at times for not having the protagonist VA, but i didn’t account for how different it would make the game. Too much

Or you guys are the special ones? Throughout my years of owning a 360 and playing with hundred and even thousands of players I’ve never once heard of someone’s disk scratching that wasn’t their fault.

I figured you were, but safer to assume anyone on internet forums is a guy when it hasn’t been made clear because they usually are. Cheers!

*finally got a Wii

Did that video oddly make anyone else want to play the Pokemon Games on the Gamecube? I still remember my disappointment when i finally got a Wii U to play that Pokemon Battle Revolution i always saw in the stores, just to realize it was a stadium sequel. I still wonder why they haven’t made another 3D pokemon game

You lost. Won’t even bother reading this. You admitted defeat in your last response to him. Why i bother reading this? lol

Yeah, don’t always agree with Anime lovers but he pretty much just shit all over you and your arguments, while making you look like the biggest hypocrite.

Its funny how clueless Snoop is. He said Bill Gates AND thinks his gaming experience would not be just as bad or even worse on playstation. Online wise. I love my PS4, but there’s no denying PS4 servers are down like every two weeks it feels like.

Its not over analyzing. I’m just trying to understand if there was a teacher or role model in your life that said it’s acceptable to not only use decimals in place of commas, but to also act over confident when you think you know you’re right. Then to brush it off like you didn’t just make yourself look retarded.

Now playing

The rifle change was completely unnecessary. It’s completely different from bunny hopping. It’s not like AK and M4 were ridiculously OP like bunny hopping was. People bitched about bunny hopping for reasons Valve couldn’t give a shit about. No one gave valid reasoning for bringing it back. Just “Wah I can’t get to the

Decimals don’t replace commas... Even with what you said above you still need to add a zero....

Why was this worth writing an article about? He just respawns and probably just continued to wreck the whole server.

You get on my level loser.

I think you forget that Hololens is a digital display for *one* person. TVs are physical displays that dozens of people can look at with one. So unless Hololen’s start selling for only $50, hololens definitely won’t replace TVs. Especially for those who like to entertain guests and host sport/fight parties often. Or

Then you should have said You’re missing a zero not a decimal. You ruined the joke before it even became one. Not that it was much of a joke to begin with...