
Ugh, yes. My avatar is Jarric. Dark Forces and Jedi Knight are 2 of my all time favorite games. They wrote three books based on those games. Soldier For The Empire, Rebel Agent and Jedi Knight. I highly recommend them....even though Kyle Katarn no longer exists...

I miss the old days of the Feedback podcast. Used to look forward to that podcast every week. Adam, Abbie, Patrick...ah it's been so many years.

I must know, what is that gif from? That customization is crazy!

This honestly looks like a newer Sins of A Solar Empire. I'm definitely not complaining about that as I love Sins and the mod community is keeping it alive after all these years. The problem is that it was built on a 32 Bit engine and it's RAM limit has really crippled the modding community. This game could be just

I'm about half way through this book now and I believe it takes place about the same time as the previous book. In Asunder it is alluded to that there is a civil war going on, but the book focuses on the mages / templars. The Masked Empire follows the civil war.

I remember when this guy was building this game by himself. I remember watching a video of him going through what he had done and what he imagined it to be. It was his dream and crazy ambitious for a one man crew. To see how far this has come is amazing! I remember when there was no textures, just tan ground with a

As a minor character, Kyle Katarn played such a pivotal roll in the Star Wars Universe. He is my all time favorite Star Wars character. He is so underrated.

I have never been able to find something that really works for me. I have a dry scalp, but my hair gets really oily and my bangs start curling and looking dirty by the end of the day. I have spent years going through different shampoos with no luck.

Most of what you see will be replaced over the next year. They made a workable presentation for investors. This isn't even ALPHA, which won't be for at least half a year to a year. Most animations are just place holders as they are going to add motion capture.

I'm playing the Vita version and so far there has been a few instances where all I do is walk forward and I'm at the next mission.

I'm not sure exactly how I feel about liberation. I'm playing it alongside AC4 and I'm about 45 minutes into the game. I'm not sure exactly what the story line is. I know the character is Aveline and a few odds and ends about her, but that is about it.

Level 1-50 was excellent story wise. I remember racing around to be the first person to collect all the artifacts and exploration achievements. The rift battles were genius and it was great to feel important if you some how became main tank or dps in giant 30-50 person repeatable quest boss fights.

It will be interesting to see how this reveal goes in comparison to the PS4 event. Will we get to see more then just a controller? Will developer after developer come on stage to show what they have been working on?

What I find odd is how they are both at the top of the article and in the middle. I can understand having them at the top or at the bottom and I know that by having it in the middle they are increasing the number of article views, but it completely breaks up the flow of the page.

I saw this yesterday on Reddit and the first comment was: