
Throwing money into a hole > investing in property?

I like that outlook, but I don't know that this is the sort of thing that "trickles down."

Absolutely. It ties into the commercialism that has perverted what "feminism" should be and do into something that sells shit.

As far as I know anal beads are still safe for the environment. Except for the work environment.

i don't think teen parents should be shunned or ostracised either. and i don't have a problem with it being featured in the yearbook because from what i can tell, the feature doesn't glamourise teen parenthood and the kids themselves admit to the difficulties involved.

Yeah, graduating school after getting through rehab is an accomplishment too, but not quite as much as being on a sports team or creating a club. There were bad decisions required first for the former and not so much for the latter. Pregnant teens should totally be able to appear in their yearbook, but I wouldn't show

I think we need comprehensive sex ed, we need easier access to abortion, we need support systems for kids that DO get pregnant to help them finish school, but I don't think we need to say "look they had cute babies! Isn't it awesome!" I realize they talk about it being hard, which is good, but I knew girls who got

Progressive and inclusive are good, but this is specifically celebrating their pregnancies, not simply including them as normal students. Teen parents shouldn't be punished in any way (any more than having a baby as a child is punishment in itself), but teen pregnancy really shouldn't be celebrated. I mean, you made a

I feel like I should disagree with this, but I don't. Pregnant teen moms and the teen dads shouldn't be shunned or ostracized, but let's not celebrate in the yearbook it as a great achievement, either. This seems better suited to a school newspaper feature.

It is entirely possible that she did go to the police but was told, like many families, that her daughter just "ran away" and was not abducted. They would look for her, but passively. Remember that 4 year old who was abducted and murdered (I think it was in Chicago!?!?!? somewhere like that) and the cops told her

Oh snap, Dribbles! You're right! I bet nobody could ever work that coal mine like you, bro!

I would watch this show if the contestants thought they were vying for the affections of Harry Potter.

Being in a couple doesn't mean your body belongs to your partner. If you say NO, it means No. A lot of people have a hard time wrapping their head around martial rape, but even if you know that person, and have had sex with them before, they still need your consent. If you force yourself on your partner, it's rape.

Yeah, HBO needs to be taken to task about the lack of equal rights in Westeros. Why isn't Obama doing anything about this? He should set up a meeting with Tommen and Daenerys and resolve this serious issue.

As a mixed kid from the lovely streets of New York who also thought about going into game developing for his entire childhood, allow me to give some insight from my own experiences.

I replied earlier and this is my second reply; sorry about not consolidating this and just saying it all at once, but I wanted to add this: