
“MyFitnessPal can sometimes be less than super easy to log calories. So here, use this app that functions the exact same way but doesn’t even have the barcode scanning functionality yet.”

Behind Mike Glennon at the movie theater?

My best friend and I dressed up as Burt and Ernie for halloween about 8 years ago. Went out and got pretty hammered at the bars, and then I see down the street, Cookie Monster, just standing there. Well I thought it was a good idea to jump on his back, we both fell to the ground, and that’s when I feel a shot to the

Help me, is a full version still streaming anywhere?

If you must know, I was there to meet with and to get to know sources who will assist me with other stories I’ll do throughout the year. But I also thought it might be fun to pull back the curtain on how the sausage gets made.

You have a game in three hours, Gabe. Put the coconut oil down and go get ready.

+1 Uni Watch

Do you care about a slight uniform change for the NFL’s most anonymous team?

Here is a sneak peak of JPP in a Bucs jersey:

The issue I always have with people talking about voting third-party, is that the third party candidates aren’t about jack shit either. This isn’t a “Democrats and Republicans and the two party system” problem; it’s a “white people run the federal government” problem.

Exactly. “Just trust me it’s bigger” doesn’t exactly sell me on it.

So he injected stem cells into his dick to make it bigger, yet ‘didn’t get out a ruler’ to note the results? Moron.

Holllly mOly Taylor looks smokin hot in that header pic. Very Sandy from Grease.

They advertised building a facility to employ US workers that will eventually make the high quality products in the US like they do now at their Illinois facility. Is making products in the US a problem now? Weathertech has been pushing the Made in USA thing for years. This isn’t new.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

He’s black.