
Foisted on his own petard.

I recognize that listmaking is inherently flawed and there is more than one album I, a woman, like on this list but I will legit fight you on “Kid A” come at me I’M READY.

I imagine someone from the Japanese delegation muttered “kawaii desu ne?” under their breath before turning to vomit.”

Damn now I’m second guessing myself because I thought the whole Dougie thing was unusually explicit:

I thought the Cera scene was goddamn hilarious...he’s his parents’ child that’s for sure!

Struck a nerve? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Jack.

We get it, you’re a Trump supporter mad that they are coming for your “commander in chief”. Calm down.

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

I bet you’re really popular around the office.

He’s not even an Agent but what would be called a “useful idiot”. Putin worked out very quickly that all that makes Trump work is his ego. If you make Wotsitman look good he’ll say anything but if you insult him then he’ll hunt you down.

We basically will have a double agent in the White House beginning on January 20th.

Dude, have you seen the movie? That shit is super dark.

There were allegations during the election that Trump already owes a significant debt to a Russian bank. (If Trump ever released his taxes we might have more info on this.) There’s also the fact that Russia hacked the RNC but didn’t release any of the data *yet* which means they could (probably) have blackmail

Small government has always been just a buzzword on the right. Unless it’s small enough to get inside your bedroom, monitor your communications and fit inside your uterus.

Senator Sessions is also known to be very anti-legalization for medicinal or recreational Mary Jane. I wonder how fast he’ll roll back the non-interference policy Pres Obama instilled in 2013.

If their values are centered on racism, white supremacy, bigotry, and homophobia I couldn’t care less how undervalued they feel. I’m not going to try to empathize with my oppressors and it’s disgusting for people to be suggesting this is what I need to do.

I feel the same way. What I enjoy about South Park, and always have, is that they walk that line so delicately. They have me laughing at the wrongness, but also reflecting on my own views a lot.

Thank you! No. Just no. We tried that going into the election and looked what happened: he defied all odds and won. This was trump supporters to the rest of us: