That’s not’re confusing “White People” with “British People”.
That’s not’re confusing “White People” with “British People”.
Most of the tribal governments are overwhelmingly conservative...they love Trump. That’s why. By pandering to a conservative base that believes gambling should be illegal, they guarantee their monopoly on that market.
That ten second clip is now seared into my memory for the rest of my life. How... how could you post that here? What did I do to deserve that? I feel lost. Fridays are typically a joyous occasion, weekend in full view. Not this one. You have destroyed any possibility of... forget enjoyment. If I should escape the…
Seriously, fuck everyone for getting on Warren for defending herself. How about going after the shitty GOP for allowing this shit to continue?
My spouse and I talk about tribal politics almost as much as we talk about US politics in general. Each tribe has their own complicated politics, but white liberals seem to fetishize them as these hippy flower children (I sure used to before I met them). It would shock people how conservative and corrupt some of the…
My spouse’s grandfather is Cherokee-Delaware. Their grandmother is half Cherokee and half white. Their biological father was french cajun, but he wasn’t in their life growing up so they don’t relate to that side of their family.
Nick Martin here is telling someone they’re not Native enough.
I’m replying very very tepidly, because I am white with zero Native American ancestry (can I say that? I mean that respectfully). I am not going to presume to argue against anything that anyone of non-white heritage would say insults them, because I have never been subjected to any of the myriad injustices that they…
Chuck Hoskin Jr., the Secretary of State for Cherokee Nation, the tribe Warren claims to have roots in, explained this all in a rightfully scathing statement yesterday.
So I know my own, personal, anecdote doesn’t prove anything but here we go.
I’m assuming spoofing a MAC address would get around this, otherwise, what else might their system look for?
I don’t agree with the law at all, but, and I really hate to say this, based on how Congress wrote the law, how Kavanaugh is reading it is probably correct. Congress could’ve passed a law that had stipulations for the severity of the crime and how long ago it was committed, but they didn’t. Whether or not that’s…
I normally agree with Jezebel’s slant on things, but I can’t on this one. On its face, it’s simply not true that those tweets “were not aimed at a general audience.” Every single one that you embedded in the article was, in fact, aimed at a general audience. Words have meanings. She’s a journalist, and presumably she…
You are only showing a couple of her tweets. have a low standard of fun if leveling in WoW does it for you.
The new anime everyone is talking Devilman Crybaby.
Yep. Just 30 minutes ago, I called this network a self-parody of liberalism, where even the most innocuous shit gets shredded for being offensive.
The right to do business with other people isn’t something you’ll find super explicit in the constituion, but somewhere between the first amendment (protecting the freedom of speech and assembly) and Article 1 Section 10 of the constitution (preventing States from impairing obligations of contract) it’s pretty heavily…
“What advantage does hearing a car/bus behind you, in any actionable sense, provide.”