Ridiculing a language/accent and the socioeconomic conditions of a country would be better described as xenophobia and class-ism instead of racism.
Ridiculing a language/accent and the socioeconomic conditions of a country would be better described as xenophobia and class-ism instead of racism.
I’d say the Ugandan Knuckles meme is more xenophobic than racist. An accent isn’t specific to a race. I really feel like the term “racist” is being thrown around a little too easily these days. So many cited examples of “racism” lately would have been better described as xenophobia or class-ism.
Yeah, got about halfway through the episode before I decided it was almost as bad as King’s Game.
You’re going to be sorely disappointed.
The game is mostly unplayable with a gamepad at the moment, but IMO the vive controllers work pretty well, spent a couple of hours with the game last night.
I get that people are concerned about the environment, but the oil is gonna get moved one way or another, and pipelines are the most environmentally friendly way to do it.
Also, pipelines don’t require nearly as much energy to transport the oil...trains have to burn a WHOLE lot of diesel to move all that oil, pipelines are much more efficient.
Nope, level cap will remain where it is until 5.0.
They just need to add instanced guildhalls so FCs can build their workshops even if they can’t get a real house in one of the wards. The housing wards will NEVER become ghost towns as long as there are players, because any FC with an instanced guildhall would IMMEDIATELY jump ship to grab a real one if it became…
You can get an apartment, the FFXIV equivalent of the moghouse. Everyone wants houses because they’re not instanced and that’s cool! They just need to add the ability for an FC to purchase an instanced guildhall, similar to an apartment, so they can build a workshop there. Bam, we have the luxurious non-instanced…
lol, posts a link to tvtropes as a reply, yeah, you got me good. Let me know when you have thoughts of your own.
Check it out, I can link stuff too:
*sigh* Way to miss the trees for the forest.
Also, LOL, “owning a business absolutely uses government services and grants special rights”. Like, that’s fucking communist talk dude. Owning a business happened way way way way way before government services and special rights ever existed.
No man, that’s wrong. It’s fucking criminal. Someone can’t choose to server someone if they don’t choose to serve everyone? Maybe you should bitch at employers for refusing to hire ex-convicts before you get upset about bakers not wanting to make cakes.
I’m 100% condemning myself to the greys forever for this, but, you’re right. There are services that require ZERO discrimination and government intervention to stop....like housing, food, water, etc. But there has to be a line. We can’t expect hardcore Christian churches to tell murderers and thieves that their life…
Viewing the world in such a binary way benifits no one except extremists. The world is more than black and white, there are infinite shades. When you deal in absolutes, you miss the big picture, imo.
I don’t disagree with you that it is wrong. I really kinda feel like a piece of shit for playing the “devil’s advocate” here, cause that’s absolutely what I’m doing. But, I also don’t like the idea that people should be forced to do something they don’t want to do. And I know, I realize that “oh, what if the…