
A well meaning non-black friend was upset that Michelle Obama didn’t work when she became First Lady but focused on raising her children (and you know, actually being First Lady). I had to kindly explain to her that black women having been working outside of the home since the moment they stepped foot in this country

Yeah, that’s the tricky part. Coleman’s loot was always going to bigger than Foy’s because Coleman is a bigger star, like Smith was a bigger star than Foy in Season 1. Past Season 1, all bets are off but its production’s job to right the pay disparity, not the actors.

I mean...yeah, that is pretty much what it boils down to.

Based on what evidence?

A beauty podcast I lurve and have mentioned before said that her expression was a reaction/result of botox.

Agreed. I love licorice, GN’P, Panda, those salty little scandi licorice coins you can get at World Market, I love em all! And Jelly Beans! But black jelly beans are not even my fave jelly bean. It would probably be margarita or tutti frutti from jelly belly.

Fresh Air did an episode on the Steele Dossier (which was chilling). Buried in the literal avalanche of evidence of collusion/treason/grossness was the lovely little bon mot that Putin rejected Romney for Secretary of State and wanted Tillerson because he had worked with Russian oil companies. Yes, yes, I wrote PUTIN

THANK YOU! I was literally coming down here to say the best thing about Taye Diggs was Idina Menzel!

Ditto. And I think his best stuff is his non-supernatural stuff. Stand by Me, Misery, Shawshank Redemption.

Diana definitely had self-esteem issues but her not wanting the ex of your new husband who is still screwing your new husband and welcomed YOU into his bedroom the first time you see is not really one.

This seems like an appropriate place to point out that Yoplait of the pink lids that people dutifully lick and mail only donates $100,000 to breast cancer regardless of the amount of nasty yogurt you lick. $100,000 capped.

GAWD YES!!! That was the one thing I did not get. Yes, he killed your rapist, but girl, HE MURDERED YOUR HUSBAND. No, no one will ever love you as much as Ryan O’Reilly but girl, THAT IS NOT HEALTHY. And you are a doctor!!!

Uh how can you forget Ryan O’Reilly of OZ?

In a 2010s kind of world, I’m glad we still got our girls.

Is it liking a story or liking a location? Mind you, I’m probably baby gen x/ the oldest millenial possible but I like my coffee by region, not story. I go to Trader Joe’s and get Kenyan, Brazilian, whatevs cuz I like taste not because someone paints me a story of growing up in the hills of blah blah blah. If Folgers

Literally today I saw a gray BMW driven by a guy with no chin that had a license plate cover that said, “No Fat Chicks - Car will scrape.” My mind is just boggled. The one thing you, Mr. No Chin, want the world to know about you is that you are willing to assault women who don’t meet your criteria of an appropriate

She is fighting a good fight but I fear she’s fighting it for the next person. She signed, the lottery wants the publicity and the money that comes from more saps buying tickets because they see her shining face with a ginormous check. She’s screwed. But the next big winner will remember her and not sign and put it in

My utterly evil thought? The only person more upset than the Catralls about this is SJP because she can’t keep dragging Kim over the coals about a SATC movie (that nobody wants) while she’s mourning.

This entire paragraph:

I have no reply for the other person but there is literally an article on the front page of Jez about Alex Winter talking about how he didn’t even begin working through the trauma of his childhood sexual assault until his 30s. His. 30s. My money is on this poor girl being affected for some time by this. And I second