
How about just in general:

Research? That sounds like science. They don’t like the science.


This is bigot pandering that won’t survive a court challenge. Unfortunately people will be hurt by this. It is disgusting. When you are a pharmacist, your job is to verify and dispense the meds ordered for safe, effective care... not to insert your religious beliefs on the woman receiving plan b. If you don’t like

He does get something out of it: chaos. Trump is not happy unless everything around him is chaotic. Everyone around him says so. Which is why he wants to watch the world burn (Bannon, too.)

He used “sexistly,” so I think he he’s most definitely a hugely good Englisher.

And also, welcome to hell? More like welcome to my numb reality

Why do these criminal perverts get payouts? Their actions contravene any workplace’s anti-harassment and basic code of conduct policies. They can be fired for cause. I’m sick of hearing about these asses getting $20+ million for sexually harassing and traumatizing women at the workplace and then agreeing to sit at

Some days, I am honestly surprised that I wake up and there is still electricity, trash collection, and running water. With all of the government departments in total disarray, that there is any remaining infrastructure seems a near-miracle.

If his accusers — including “Maria,” who alleges in unpublished depositions that she was raped by That Asshole when she was 12, evidence of which is in the possession of at least one friendly intelligence service, and thus of Mueller — were to go forward with suits and charges at the time of the election, he would

Preventing violent men from obtaining deadly weapons they can use to shoot the girlfriends they’re already beating seems like an easy one!?! Come on guys. We can do this.

I never understood why anyone would want to watch other people play video games. I just don’t get it. Whoosh.

“Okay, welcome to waiter school. I see you put on your application that you have a desire to ‘put food on the table.’ That’s an excellent start, but have you ever considered putting drinks on the table? I don’t mean to blow your mind, but not everyone gets that on day one, so we’ll take it slow”

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

I thought this appropriate for a new meme:

There’s no way he tried to get out of it. Legal nerd Barack Obama probably wanted nothing more than to serve on a jury. He would have fucking loved it.