Zaphod Rowsdowr

The way he tilts back with every word has gotten annoying. I thought he was effectively menacing in the first episode, but now his schtick seems forced.

Regarding the reviewer's question about skimming spoiled chapters: No, I wouldn't. I actually didn't start reading the books until after season 4, so the first 3 books were "spoiled" for me. I still enjoyed them even though I knew basically what would happen. There are enough differences and so much more detail in the

I wonder if he'll work Sung Kang in somehow. HAAAAAAANN!!!

What if it was actually the pie that was poisoned? As far as I can tell, Joffrey is the only person we see take a bite.

I agree that he's up to something. When they cut away I assume he told her to shoot him and run.

As awesome as that last scene was, I can't get over the fact that Samwell didn't bother to pick up the dagger!

Seeing Don run around in the background and then all of a sudden slowly enter the writer's room to make that grand speech was possibly the funniest moment ever on this show.

I was thinking the same thing! I think this show could really benefit from "injecting" a new, yet well established character like Crowley into the group. It would be kind of like how they made Spike a member of the scooby gang on Buffy.

Do we know for sure that Donnie isn't Allison's monitor? His excuse that he got up early to watch cricket seemed questionable. And who was he talking to on the phone when he burned the contents of the lockbox?

Yes! Drunken post-street fight Allison was adorable.