
I like this, and I really hope it comes into existence here in the US. But a power to weight ratio of .06 just isn’t enough for me. Not for a car that’s not good for much other than being a toy. I’m guessing that +2 is for insurance purposes only.

In 1997 I got my first car. A 1979 Chevrolet Suburban. I loved that truck the same way most of us loved our first cars. It seemed downright ancient at the time though. I think that was because even though it was only 19 years old, it was older than me. I agree, this Saab doesn’t strike me as old as my Suburban seemed.

You’re right about all of that. I have no doubt this vehicle is solid. It’s just about the expectation and perception when shelling out that much money. Hard for me to really say if someone who has that kind of money to spend on a toy would demand a clean title though, as I am many tax brackets lower. Lol.

I think for this price, the salvage title is too much of a compromise. How much more could it cost to buy a donor vehicle with a good title?

I think the feds only do this to cars illegally imported. I don’t think they have any jurisdiction over home built cars, specialty cars or most revelant to this conversation, modified passenger cars. This is left up to the states.

I have a car I care about and I have a 2003 Hyundai Sonata with over 200,000 miles on the clock. Having an old beater is the most liberating decision I’ve ever made. Parking at a busy Chipotle? No worries. Raining and you don’t want to park at the very back of the grocery store lot? No worries. Some ass hole is

I’ve long ago given up on cable. Is that show with Chip Foose still on? I always enjoyed that because at least the human interest was positive.

Nope, I’m with you. Not to mention as the article alludes to, motorcycles will be much safer.

You’re not alone. I thought exactly the same until reading Patrick’s response. That said, I work in a small family owned retail business. Once in a while we have a customer who comes in to belittle one of the sales people. We politely but firmly tell them they are not welcome in our store. These people are never going

My initial thought is no one takes care of their car so of course it matters. But if I consider that nearly everyone I know takes adequate to excellent care of their own cars, I wonder if I’m just being cynical. Hopefully some mechanics with a much larger and broader sample can share their experience.

Yes! Now you have a true Jalop attitude!

Yeah, I would imagine that is going to play a role in the $35,000 ish price range. But I still think that at that price, if it is a good car with reasonable range, $1.00 gas still wouldn’t kill it. I say that just based on anecdotal evidence that the people interested in a Tesla are interested in the technology as

While I do think the stock is a bit overvalued, I don’t believe anyone buying a model s is concerned about gas prices. I’m not in that market, but I just don’t thing fuel price is a metric considered when buying a $90,000 car.

That is my favorite episode. The scene where all the Harley riders are sitting in the diner upset because no one is paying attention to them cracks me up every time.

I don’t know this to be the case, but it is possible the standards have changed over that time period.


Please tell me you remember the name of this cereal! I have tried to explain that commercial to friends to ask them if they remember it and they look at me like I’m crazy!

Plugs and wires on a FWD V6. Barely even runs when it rains. I can actually hear it arcing to the intake plenum but I’ve been putting it off all summer.

There is a pickup in my neighborhood with fake vents on the side of the spoiler riser.

While I agree that it would be more fun as a RWD vehicle, I want it as a practical commuter car so FWD makes more sense for any climate that gets snow in the winter. To be RWD I imagine it would have to be rear engine too. That would make it nearly useless in the snow or rain.