
As well as all the dramatic stuff (which she does absolutely brilliantly) I loved some of the funnier moments that Hayley Atwell had in this episode. I was cracking up when she was trying to subtly take photographs with that pen.

Oh definitely agreed! I could just see them going down the route of the typical female badass who isn't bothered by anything and I'm so pleased they didn't.

Must admit I've never seen it!

I will never be over the loss of Pushing Daisies

This episode made me realise how much I miss seeing Lee Pace on TV

I loved the way that having Dooley shout at Peggy for ruining the interrogation actually got to her. I feel like it would be very easy to have his opinions just roll off her and to see her actually getting quite upset makes her seem more human.

Sent shivers the whole way up my spine.

Holt bouncing over to the printer was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time

I really love what they've been doing with Haley's character recently. I feel like it would be very easy to have her as the comedy failure of the family so to show her going out there and standing up for herself and what she wants is so refreshing to see.