
Mallory Jansen is outstanding! Every time she plays a new character it adds even more nuances to the ones she's already played. Don't think I appreciated how well she played a robot until she got to play some human emotion with Agnes and that is just increased with her playing human Ophelia. She is really stealing the

Aida turning off Mace at the end of the episode was so subtle and moving for this show that it genuinely took my breath away. I am so ridiculously impressed by this whole arc and it would be such a travesty to cancel this show now.

I saw on twitter how the episode ended before I managed to watch it and oh my god did that make this a completely heartbreaking experience. Catching all the signs when I knew where they were headed just ripped me apart! I didn't even particularly like Michael (I know, I'm sorry!) and I still found myself sobbing at

Consistently blown away by how well the Narrator is used on this show.

Personally loved this episode! Also had to rewind Jake's barracuda impression 3 times because I was laughing so hard.

Man, Liza Weil is absolutely killing it lately!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is just on another level. I've never been anywhere close to tears watching this show before but found myself getting choked up in her last scene with the tour group.

It was one of those things that I didn't see coming at all but somehow makes perfect sense.

I was SO excited when I saw Anna Camp in that teaser and she did not disappoint one bit!

God, when we heard the elevator doors open my jaw literally dropped. Shivers all over.

Also loved his giggling at the memory of taking a video of Liv snoring

Kinda wanted to hate that moment because I fear it means they'll dismiss all the great points Peter made but it was just so effective.

"Someone please see him before I punch myself in the face" was delivered SO WELL.

As ridiculous as I knew it was, I was still laughing most of the way through the titles after that cold open.

Seriously enjoyed this episode and Morgan was absolutely killing it!

I'm so ridiculously pleased about Tatiana Maslany and Amy Poehler but simultaneously gutted for Ellie Kemper and Gina Rodriguez. Can't win them all I guess.

Those final moments in the hospital leading up to Liv having to say no were completely devastating.

Oh my gosh tell me about it! I've really been listening carefully the last couple of episodes to see if I can detect any kind of slip up and I've got nothing!

The way Liv's voice broke when she was telling Peyton was completely heartbreaking. So well played by Rose McIver.

This was a wonderful episode. Even the elements of the show that I am not really a fan of were handled so well that it was hard to dislike them the way I usually do.