
I'm sure someone else has noted this already… but those red pumps reminded me of Dorothy's ruby slippers… sure, the red pumps were not glittery, but I do think Lynch's love of that story and film show up in his work, beyond Wild At Heart (which is oh-so Wizard of Ozzy!).

Terrible false-looking 70s hair-dos (hair-don'ts!) and outfits. It all came across as so very put on, like a kid who dresses up in his dad's leisure suit decades after they were fashionable. I didn't enjoy the "bad theatre" of it all. They're trying way too hard and it falls flat.

Brilliant. Absolutely, utterly, terrifyingly brilliant. I've watched epi 8 twice now, and cannot get it out of my head. Like I wake up with it.

Your continuous negative responses are pure comedy gold! I'm glad a show you despise so much takes up so much of your time and energy… Attention-hog much?

Please, please, give us reviews of S2 episodes!! I need the AV Club and all of its commenters. I crave this!!

Am I insane, or does Molly's voice (and some of her facial features, e.g. her lips) resemble Margot's?? It has been bothering me since we first met Molly. Too similar to Margot, IMHO. Please share your opinion; I am curious. Thank you.

I have become addicted to this show. I was hooked by the time I got to
episode 4 of the first season. I am a longtime fan of Twin Peaks (and, verily,
all things David Lynch)… To me, Emma (or really the actress that
portrays her) is an odd brunette twin of Heather Graham. Hello, Twin
Peaks' Heather Graham!! Whose