
Whether or not Eikre would drown in the bathtub, though, depends on whether or not he failed the saving throw.

you might want to try and see if you can join in an open session. It’s all web-based gaming through google hangouts so there’s no real-world interaction (which is a major part of the fun) but it’s a good way to get started and maybe find ppl in your area without jumping into a group situation you might not

It’s a play on the term “No Man’s Land”.

I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us

I guess I’m just glad that when I was a teenager, pretty much the worst public embarrassment we could suffer on the internet was saying something awkward to a crush over AIM. I really wish kids were allowed to have their private lives for a little longer.

Shit, do we all have to publicly start apologizing for what little assholes we were at 14? This is going to take a while...

@Sisyphus: Really? Would we accept that kind of logic from a man? He deserved it because he probably antagonized her? Based on the article and comments here, I don't disagree with him. Gleefully admitting to partner violence is not okay just because you're a woman. It's still something to be ashamed of.

I had an abusive ex-wife and one thing that seems to be missed by many of the ladies here is a man doesn't DARE hit back. We are in a bind that if we don't hit back then we are wimps, if we do then we are wimps for hitting a woman. If we hit back, then the police will arrest us, courts hammer us and we go to jail. If

"Yes, please, let's not forget the poor men, who make up a whopping 15% of the domestic violence victims (nonsarcastic saide: this includes situations in which the violence is mutual, or the woman used violence in response to violence), who are far less likely to be hurt by domestic violence given the differences in

Hitting is hitting. It doesn't matter who is the hittee and who is the hitter. Saying that women can't inflict as much damage on men because of their relative sizes is total bullshit and doesn't excuse the lack of control people exhibit if they hit their significant others. If this was a comment thread with a bunch of

ThaKadinskyPapers: How does slapping your boyfriend correlate with knowing a man would rape you, especially when the boyfriend is not that man?

Seriously? If these comments were from men celebrating their finest acts of physical violence against their partners, people would be going batshit insane with outrage, and rightfully so. Just because women aren't as strong as men doesn't men they can't do some serious harm. Especially if the dudes aren't fighting