Immediately made me think of this:
Immediately made me think of this:
I can’t be the only one that has “ghost clutched” before. One time I clipped the brake pedal. I’m glad nobody was behind me.
“zero to 249 mph”
1. hahahaha driver etiquette in NYC? Yeah right.
Australia is in the midst of a two-month, mail-in vote to measure public opinion on gay marriage. This Sunday,…
I was literally just on that road in August, riding a Ducati Scrambler through the Dolomites, loving every corner, drooling at every mountain view.
I drove B500 few days back in late evening and it was just like some track in need for speed 1 or something :)
If the Taco Bell simply moves from your gut to your pants, doesn’t weight stay the same?
Angela Merkel - Leader of the free world...
Grew up going to the Eifel in the summers to see family. 100% confirm this. I learned (by watching) how to apex on single-lane roads with oncoming traffic in the rain at night during a snow storm at blinding speeds. And that was while riding with my aunt, in some McLaren-tuned Renault mini van, delivering laundry to…
Right, and on the straights where you can top 100kph, you simply lift and enjoy the countryside until the next corner entry apex... :-)
Yeah, but on many roads, even the 100 kph limit between towns is more than you can safely travel, so it can be exciting !
If you frequent the EU like I do, you know that the REAL adventure and great roads are OFF the Autobahn / Motorways. The Eifel Region of Germany has especially great roads. Literally anyone can drive fast on the autobahn with little skill. It’s driving quickly on the B roads that is thrilling and a test of skill.
Oh, pretty! Definitely would not do 60mph into that curve, though.
Yeah i just came back from a road trip in Bavaria and northern Italy and found the Autobahn to be mostly as you described. i was able to cruise comfortably at 150+, when there wasn’t road work, but that was only maybe 30% of the time.
Did you at least visit Ausfahrt?
A little Miata in there too? Anyone else see that?
I think you mean coke-snorting, ripped-out body kits ...
I’m a sucker for 80's and 90's coked out body kits.
“You shouldn’t say things like that, mate.”