
I've just watched it, and this is just an article to get people reading and click-bait.
It does not test any limit and is as bingeable as all other Netflix shows. It is an instant classic with it's beautiful dialogue I swore Shakespeare came back to life and wrote us this beautiful comedic drama romantic tragedy.

A game needs to be open-world, and MEGA huge. Obviously can't be as big as it is in the book, wouldn't want to walk/ride for ten+ hours. But it would be awesome for it to take ten minutes possibly, getting from the University to Severen. Fight bandits on the Great Stone Road, that could take half an hour walking from

Oh come on!
This has just all be announced. A third book will be released way before Season 2 has hit the mid-season finale!

Wait, they actually started filming? It's like actually getting made? Like they went through scripts and pre-production? They got a director, set designer, costumes, DOP—- like it's actually happening? Cause I swear it was still just heavy rumours and something would happen next year with it

Who the Hell dared to up vote? The common was perfect at 33 likes.

I love it it that you have 33 likes. No one like up again. Or like down.