
I don't want to constantly compare this show with Entourage, but the Tom Werner phone call was probably the most Entourage-y thing the show has ever done — followed immediately by Uncle J's (likely) death, the least Entourage-y thing the show has ever done. I was initially not happy about the scene (why kill a


Poweeerrrrrrr Back!!

You, stay 'ere, and make sure, 'e doesn't leave.

Look at AJ Gibbs, thinkin' she's on " Assess" or "Evaluate" or some other lesser show.

Or goosepimples.

Yeah, I listen to that one at least once a month. Never gets old.

The worst part about the Virginia Hall segment was that it didn't require Claudia O'Doherty to pull out her Kim Cattrall impression.

Granted, Ruxin complains too much about his amazing wife and she should totally dump his ass, but you don't get to make every other pick without having done any research, there's no way we're leaving early, and there's sure as hell no freakin' way that I'm going to show up at the draft in the 3rd round. That kind of

The best exchange of the episode was when Rafi showed up at the draft (my memory's best approximation):

Not to be that guy but also to totally be that guy — the sazerac is not an "absinthe-based drink." It's a rye-based drink that you start out by pouring a little absinthe in the glass, swirling it around to coat the glass, and then dumping the absinthe out. And it's delicious.

Me neither! But it's undeniable. Plus I thought the hair comment opened the door.

Yes, she is so spectacular in Burning Love. I wanted that character in all of the later season. I hope she's in S2 of You're the Worst.

"Katie Aselton’s hair looks amazing."

I say skip forward to episode 4 ("Mr. McGibblets"), then skip to Season 3, Episode 5 ("Bobbum Man"). If you like what you've seen, go back and watch the whole series. If you don't, skip the series, go catch up on Two Broke Girls, and may god have mercy on your soul.

I agree with what you're saying on this valets sketch, but "He's my jam, my jelly, my peanut butter, and my peanuts!" will never not make me laugh.

Eastern Division.

I don't know about the seabirds, though. My understanding of the floating garbage island was "plastic rules, nature drools."

You're worried that someone weighs a lot more at 45 than he did at 30 like, I don't know, every single American ever?

Spoiler alert — I was saving my comment on this for Part 2. So quiet it was easy to miss, I had to go back to listen again. Small correction — it happens when Neil and his gf are walking TOWARD the cabin the staff party is in.