
@luckymclurkerson.   how was the question stupid?  no where on this page do i see anything signifiying anything about a "classic" review, and i have only been to this page through links.  pretentious douche bags like you will ensure that i stay away from the avclub website in the future.  have a nice life believing

@luckymclurkerson.   how was the question stupid?  no where on this page do i see anything signifiying anything about a "classic" review, and i have only been to this page through links.  pretentious douche bags like you will ensure that i stay away from the avclub website in the future.  have a nice life believing

troy and abed in stop moootion!!!

i'm sorry if asking a question is such a huge inconvenience for everyone, i highly urge you to avoid customer service jobs.

i'm sorry if asking a question is such a huge inconvenience for everyone, i highly urge you to avoid customer service jobs.

damn dude angry much? did mommy and daddy not hug you enough as a child?

damn dude angry much? did mommy and daddy not hug you enough as a child?

i don't understand, are they retroactively reviewing these episodes?  it says june 4th 2012 but West Wing has been off the air for a while now

i don't understand, are they retroactively reviewing these episodes?  it says june 4th 2012 but West Wing has been off the air for a while now