
I thought Sara was about as large a bully as Travis. She seemed to get mad at everyone in the supermarket more for not sharing her vision than for anything else. Also, she didn't really take the bullet for the rice. She said she would, and then immediately said that the rice cooker had failed them, which is a pretty

Mistaking the Black Keys for the Black Eyed Peas, on the other hand, is less so.

That's the thing about this for me. Sara has been sniping about how Bev only cooks "Asian" all season (Oh no! She only uses the cuisine of an entire continent!) but Sara has a really limited range. Her "rustic American style" or whatever she called it in that one episode. It's American/Italian stylistically, and also

She got jobbed twice. She lost because of someone else's mistake and a plot twist challenge, not because she got outcooked. If anyone should be guaranteed a spot on the next All Star season, it's Nyesha.

Yeah, there are a lot of reasons why it's easy to overrate Russell, for all that he (and that team) stood astride the league in a preposterous way. I'm just saying that he personally has earned the right to walk right up the line of being a dick about not admitting anyone was better.

To be fair, Bill Russell's Celtics did win 11 titles in 12 years, which is pretty perposterous. If I were the keystone of that team, and as competitive as you'd have to be to become Bill Russell, I doubt I'd give an inch on it either.

I parsed that as "Beekeeperking of New York" and got was really excited for a second.

I hear it always wins.

How in the world did you get static from what I said? My point was that Swanson, in being a libertarian out of step with the times, can either be a nuanced character or a one-note caricature, and that I like it way more when it's the former. The best characters do constantly change and develop; they also have a depth

My trouble with the episode, and the show in generally, is that the writers sometimes try to have it both ways with Ron Swanson. He is both a hilarious libertarian hard man caricature, who can drink liters of donkey wart liquor, shoot his food, eat steak garnished with more steak, and craft harps while drunk, but also

You guys, how has no one commented on the fact that Josh was entirely flummoxed by Tim's use of "qu-est-ce que c'est"? It wasn't character-undermining for him to not know French when he heard it, but I laughed out loud watching it.

Ambulance all employing the principles of hopping instead of rolling.

Google gives you more for "schmatte", but in judging purely by pronunciation, Heidi very clearly said "schmutter". Her accent is crystal clear, and it seems more likely that she'd be using the German version of a Polish word than the Yiddish version.

To be fair, Anya (and Kimberly) had to make pants for the drummer, who had to sit down, unlike the rest of the musicians. Had he been standing the whole time, I doubt his pants would have split.

If we're talking about the MLB Molinas, nothing runs in that family.