
Meatsweats Marj would be delighted if her performance inspired a crazy to do violence against AOC, I suspect.

Ah the original Xbox. I was in college when it came out. I wasn’t super interested, but a buddy got one. After playing it at his house I can’t away really impressed with Dead or Alive 3, of all things, and I decided to get one myself. On Valentine’s day after my morning classes I stopped at the Software Etc. at the

Dario is a fucking legend. Seriously, if anyone has Sonic Generations on PC, you owe it to yourself to check out his “Project Unleashed” mod released waaay back in 2013.

What we need is a solid, well planned pre-order system everyone can sign up for. I’d much rather know I’m 4,200,123th in line with an estimated delivery date of August than have to play the refresh lottery every day.

Shuka seems to specialize in 3D printed cybernetic parts and futuristic weapons for 1/12 scale dolls...which is possibly the most 21st century Japanese thing I can imagine, and I’m totally here for it. 🤣 They also seem quite the deft hand with Fusion 360, be cool to see a tutorial on modeling this sort of thing... 🤔

Hand up if you just do this accidentally all of the time because the boost button is part of your movement joystick and not part of your “strategy” 

(this is my hand - it is up)

Oh man, XBox Game Pass is such a no-brainer for PC gamers. It’s just a fantastic value.

cyberpunk was announced approximately 28 years ago and everyone still cums whenever some new info trickles out about it

I assume you mean PS5.  A PS4 should be fairly easy to get cheap in a few months.  If you are technical enough to do a repair job you can get one cheap right now. 

I know it’s not MS and Sony’s fault with the circumstances in the world but this has been the most frustrating console launch. Both companies are drawing everything out and haven’t set any firm dates or pricing. We’re almost in September and only 2 months from their supposed launch.

Those haven’t been a huge problem for ages, at least on phones. I think it probably depends on how much art stuff you’re doing, the iPad Pro has been very well supported on that front in a way that no Android tablet is even close to matching, but for media and productivity I’d rather take Dex than the Apple

Honestly the issue isn’t the hardware, it’s the software. Android for tablets and subsequent development for android tablet apps is just years behind iPadOS

Wow. Talk about recycling old articles. The comments are all from 2013.

They couldn’t keep a couple in the hospital to avoid hurting the rest of the world’s feelings?

Are you a graphic designer?

I live in San Francisco and *don’t* make 7 figures, so, no, I don’t have a dedicated space for a projector. Though that’s not nearly as necessary as Cranz makes it out to be, provided you don’t mind mediocre quality, and, guess what. Lots of people don’t care. They’re fine with standard def on a washed out wall,

Our next door neighbor has a projector room that came with their house. No screen, just 150"+ full wall washed out madness. Hidden speakers, mediocre image and sound quality. He loves it.

The new “Standard” should be options. At the very least native 1080p x 60 fps for a “performance mode” or a “Graphics mode” at 4k x 30 fps minimum. Basically exactly what Monster Hunter World does. Give people choice in how they want to play their games.

GIMP is a PhotoShop alternative in the same way that you with an ice cream scoop is an alternative to having the surgeon remove your appendix. You might get the same result but one is going to be a damn site more painful...