
Of course it helps. What’s your point ?

Yep, I’m a bit of an allrounder working on UX, print and motion.

It’s got nothing to do with age. I’m over 40 and sometimes I just design whatever I’m asked to. “You want a GT9 logo? Sure, why not.

Mostly, I don’t need to like the people who create the stuff I consume. A great number of entertainers and sportspeople are utter trash. Are all your favourite artists without flaws? Dickens, Hemingway, Lennon, were terrible people. 

While it’s true everyone has bias, good reviewers know their bias but strive for impartiality, explaining the pros and cons in context of different needs. And it’s usually from someone with knowledge and balanced views.

Lol, a reviewer reviews, traditionally without bias. This isn’t a review, it’s sanctimonious clickbait gatekeeping which has been soundly dismantled by other posters.

Maybe it’s just the side of bed I got out of but Gawker seems to be getting increasingly sanctimonious. You do not need a projector, Don’t cook your grilled cheese in mayo. Checkout bossy britches.

NZ has definite advantages but leading the pack for me is that the government issued clear and decisive direction and kiwis mostly followed the instructions.

Nice seeing a bloke representing.

Agreed. For me the US government and citizens have half-arsed the lockdown and now have the disadvantages of lockdown AND no lockdown.

You’re right, but I immediately assumed it was Daryl Hannah, especially as the music changes specifically for her. 

No, what’s funny (not funny) is both sides of the argument can’t even table the conversation. Everyone is a nut job, tard, cuck, shill, puppet.

Thanks, now I’m watching the films. That’s on you!

Every game journo: Don’t fucking pre-order.

Every game journo: Don’t fucking pre-order.

Came in here to Stan for City of the Lost Children but I think you got it right. Cheers.

I share a bathroom with two women (I’m a male). We basically all have the same shortish hair.

And my subjective opinion (even if it’s in the minority) doesn’t vindicate your logical fallacies. Move on.

No it doesn’t. nearly all the games have included a modern crossover. Also. I want more of it so you’re wrong on both accounts. 

You mean Mirrors Edge?

Who is bankrolling this trashfire?