
Makes me very worried about a white PS5 console.

Sure, that’s understood but ‘Us’ won’t be buying games and ‘Us’ is a niche of a niche.

I was afraid I was clicking in to some tentacle-skewed version of The Witcher.

I’m curious.

Complete poppycock. You do not have the right to know about something which is not released. You may want to know, and sites like this thrive on Game news and leaks, but that doesn’t mean you have some god given right to it.

everything is less than an hour away”

I feel this is deliberate. Establish the world and excitement and then expand on it in the subsequent trailers. For me, a reader and player, I saw a lot of familiar scene in the rush of action. And I’m not displeased. 

I’m sorry for your loss, your father knew you loved him. Just look after your self and remember that your voice is just as valid as others. A call for civility should not be confused with conformism or a lack of passion.

Agreed, and I’m down for crab bashing but that goodwill ran out after the 4th remaster of Oblivion.

A couple of birds made a nest on my on my house. The birds were cool with me and all who entered, EXCEPT my brother who was mercilessly attacked whenever he wanted top go outside.

Yeah, this game doesn’t need a public server it needs Bethesda to be held accountable for releasing an unfinished game with too little support to fix it.

This is so good. Thanks for sharing.


You handed down a harmless but arbitrary judgement on a guy who has bought genuine feels to millions of people. I’m not mad just giving you my POV. Like all the bland popsters of the past (Coldplay, Pink Swift et all) he has his place.

Not everyone wants to be challenged when they listen to music, most want an easy to swallow concept wrapped up in a nice melody. He’s a fucking POP artist who writes and performs his own songs. That’s a step up compared to most of the photoshopped, manufactured goons in the charts. Plus he’s an entertainer and in the b

Jeez guys, I wish you could cover Prime a bit more. The word’s not getting out.

Jeez guys, I wish you could cover Prime a bit more. The word’s not getting out.

Fuck your commie maths and science.
This problem wouldn’t exist if we all just had a bible and an AR15.

I think they’re American citizens duly-elected running on an agenda”

He’s fucking 28 you numbskull.