
rude and vaguely body shame-y

I was hoping for a second goal but when they fluffed a pen I changes allegiances. They didn’t deserve it. Just like their male counterparts, they seem to have a fragility, especially when the pressure is on.

I meet these women and their platform isn’t really feminism, it’s entitlement.

True, and consistency is all people want from refs.

Agreed. And I have a standing policy to wholeheartedly disagree with anything Morgans say. Even if I agree with him.

But with unionisation comes oversight and, as the article mentions, a lot of these women are undocumented and don’t even pay taxes. Unions would undoubtedly give strippers more protection but may be unpractical.

In NZ, we’re largely cashless and have been for over a decade.

Rubbish, a ref can send someone off and award a penalty. It’s all about circumstance.

Piers Morgan is a proper cock but I thought the tea-sip was unsporting.

It should be noted that it’s more likely that Nike withdrew the sneaks not because of CK but because he told them this flag is being used by far-right groups.

This is only fun if Antifa massively outnumber the fascists. I’d totally settle for a successful day of milkshaking the right-wingleaders.

Alternate take: Nothing makes Skyrim worth visiting.

It’s beyond stupid not to look at the facts or take the man at his word. If there are daily transgressions, attacks and communications all over the western world, and this guy references them then he IS part of a larger movement. Even if he’s delusional. He thought he was part of some wider set of individuals who are

Judging past actions, and widespread beliefs by today’s enlightened nuance is at the same time useful, in the wider historical context, but also problematic.

Every time he speaks news coverage should include his video ‘skit’ about joining the administration to dismantle consumer protections from the inside.

You can’t erode what didn’t exist.

Does Splinter back anyone?

Special K in tha hous. I loved this film so much and had my VHS on constant repeat trying to perfect the moves.

Finally a sport New Zealand might be able to compete in.

You always bring the fire Schreier.