
My god, you’re all just jelly.

Yeah, I do feel like stink. I read your bio before I posted and I have no problem with a critical evaluation and I think you’re a great writer, really. I’ve written (poorly) for some magazines in the past and my last editor absolutely loves this type of article.

I’ve never played this game, I was real busy when it came out and the reported, intentionally slow mechanics, kinda put me off.

Just imagine the smell of this man. Menthol vape coving steak scented cologne.

nice link, thanks

It was such a little joke but it made me guffaw out loud. Thanks.

I have no idea why the left isn’t doing a joint pre-election campaign about the these swamp monsters. It’s not like they don’t have the receipts.

I’m sure the Venn diagram of Parts Unknown watchers and Takeout readers is an eclipse but I don’t get what these articles are for.

They’ll turn on themselves. (double entendre intentional)

my mind automatically read this with a German accent. It kinda worked too.

True, their standpoint is too alien from ours, the divide to big.

You’re taking no prisoners

New stuff you say, like John Wick or How to Train Your Dragons, Kingsman, Frozen, MCU/DCCU, Alita, US, Get Out, Rogue One, VATCOATP, Atomic Blonde, Isle of Dogs, Sorry to Bother You, The Shape of Water, Dunkirk...

I’m currently playing a Minecraft mod called ‘Conan’ or somethin.

Surprize Mechanics mate, we’re calling them surprize mechanics now

What do you expect when the developers get paid half what they get for their male equivalents.

This is great work, thanks for bringing this to me - someone who has never really been in to the game.

frustrating, incoherent, pretentious, badly paced

Wah wah wah wah. Not canonical. Wah. Bridget Nelson.