
But does Trump even get involved at this level?

This is all fine and well but the US traded away it’s protections years ago. Those words don’t reflect the rampant capitalism which the US practices. Which has only profited individuals and companies, while the national debt spirals upward.

I think this is a fair assessment. And I am still foolishly naive enough to think the two democratic parties can sort their shit out.

It’s 2019 for fucks sake. Who has friends?

I like a woman in a nice suit. Especially that women, ye gads!

Fucking draw a line under it all and start over. We never mention these films EVER AGAIN!

Writes an article on pervasive, invasive and entitled behaviour by singling out someone who doesn’t behaves that way. The punchline: he ain’t all that just because he’s nice.

Thanks for the insight. It’s an era and area I know little about so I have to watch it. 

Yeah, I was intrigued by that use of words because even agitated’ feels a little off, but I can’t put my finger on why. Besides these goons talk like passion and personal investment is bad thing. And they only get rilled up when it’s a convenient tool to switch the narrative.

Good to know but do you see her having any impact? I love her but her opponents simply do not respect her. She may embarrass them but when reminding them about their constitutional responsibilities are they falling in line?

Absolutely. In the face of her energy and knowledge they don’t ever argue the point, all they have to do is roll their eyes to dismiss her. How can you make progress when one side doesn’t respect your opinion or care to engage.

I object to the redundant use of ‘MAGA idiots’. Can’t we simply call them MAGAs?

This sickens me. And is also very funny.

Agreed. I’m glad I went to E3 in  04 and 05 before all this fuckery got started. I bet it’s just a see of entitled kids with cameras.

...managed the employ...

Fail to the thief

Y’know sometimes I want a film to start and the protagonists meet up and overcome their situation straight away. Then they fall in love, win the lottery and we spend the next hour just watching them have fun and grow old together.

Thanks for your review. Do you think the film could have shortened the violence and still made their point?

I hope so, I quite enjoyed the action based combat of FFXV but the characters we so fucking poor I fell off relatively early.

Agreed, FFVIII is probs my fave although I’m hoping FFVII remake will make me understand why it’s so beloved.