
Well yeah, I’m sure you are doing okay. And I’m sure Kim came to the right decision but to RSVP was shitty.

What a child! Classic projection of some perceived snub but to take it to those lengths.

You did well. Some people are takers and everyone has to judge their own worth.

classic #thiswascoolwheniwasdoingit

Yeah, I did japan and I’m only in 1 pic (I was drinking with locals). I want beautiful pics so putting me in them makes that impossible.

If only America was more prepared to deal with this kind of phenomena. 

Also, I should point out that when I’m down for ANY steps. I mean to discuss/consider any steps. I’m not saying that any and every method should be employed. Yeah, I’m probs going to be more discriminating against gun proliferation but I’ll take ANY steps, no matter how small.

How dare you speak to me this way. The outrage of a complete stranger insulting me strikes me to the very core.

And sister/brother, you deserved it. Well done.

OMG, you’ve unearthed my insidious biased opinion.

So I don’t know about my American cousins but we have a McDonalds burger which has consumed ME!

I don’t really dig steak houses cos I don’t really ‘get’ steaks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But I went to a fancy one with my bestie. I wanted to be opulent and order an good wine.

Fucking slow clap. What a genius - my post was my opinion.

You’re a loon. Guy says crappy joke and all she had to do was ignore him or fire back with another joke. Situation resolved. I really hope you’re not in any kind of customer-faced job.

Yeah, the amount of guns you have is a great metric to measure the deaths of your fellow citizens. Why even bother saving people just buy more guns and the numbers look way better. Fucking idiot.

You’re a broken record, playing to no one.

This rational, that we have to ‘fix’ other things first is such prissy bullshit. ‘No, we can’t reform gun control because of heart disease.’

Well at least we’re in agreement of one thing, it wasn’t a rebuttal, it was an accusation. I called you a hollow cretin, which I stand by.

You’re a fucking muppet.

Nah. Try again.