
Pretty much every one that has been waiting for mods, not substantial enough to affect their sales, but enough to make a point

Now I have to get a gaming PC because Sony is a greedy group of thugs. They seriously lost a customer for this alone

It's in first person, there is nothing that states it's a man, besides, what does it even matter? Everyone is so sensitive nowadays, like seriously, it's ridiculous and gives the human race a bad name

I’ve tried, it can’t be done, yet, but with the help of some mods in the future....

Hell yeah!

You're doing it wrong haha, build platforms (which clip into the ground) and build on top. Turn any uneven surface flat, it makes everything so much better when using concrete

I had a Brahmin synth at my Drive in settlement, I put a bell, called them over and killed them all and checked the corpses, then reloaded and went after Osama Bin Brahmin

The Preston they found is an impersonator trying to get caps out of people for protection via the minutemen, you can call him out and he runs away, I killed him

That’s happened to me twice on two occasions, I had Piper and it gave the indicator “Piper hated that” When they were both dead

Yeah New Vegas, along with the dlcs’s made for good story and it made me wait in anticipation for the next dlc, skylit and fallout 3 were just like “well you got this mission but... There’s other missions you could be doing”. No real incentive to follow the main story

I got the overseer’s left arm and right cuz they look awesome! Chameleon Metal Chest, free fall leg armor, BOS undersuit (the red one), and a red flight helmet, my favorite weapon has to be my .50 Cal unlimited mag suppressed sniper rifle which I call Creeping Death

That Kanye is way too spot on

It doesn’t work with all ammo types, only .308