1st gear: Real common sense would be for us & Europe to have the same emissions standards.
1st gear: Real common sense would be for us & Europe to have the same emissions standards.
I’m excited for this and hoping it keeps the manual long enough for maybe me to afford one. The last one was $40k starting which is a bit steep for me at the moment. That interior is awesome and I don’t mind the styling on the exterior either.
Went under? Huh, wonder where my paychecks really came from for 7.5 years :)
I have the Manual Impact Screwdriver because of old Japanese Motorcycles
I can’t believe people have THIS much time to spend on trying to disagree with something posted on the web. Seriously, it’s asinine and really drives me insa......oh, wait.....
I’m curious as to how he started off with a mask then went without for the rest of the video, did you take rapid tests before the filming started?
Todd went so far as to re-wire the car in thinner gauge
Raph, you need to join Erik in never again being allowed to talk about stocks.
Neutral: I would mandate the following: All OEMs must meet strict quotas of cars with actual colors. 27% of all vehicle sales must be electric blue, lime green, or a very vivid yellow or face penalties ranging from 2 years of being forced to drive a ‘78 Mustang II with a slush box, up to being required to lay naked,…
As automakers shift from horsepower to kilowatts to comply with stricter environmental regulations,
you may have noticed some of our sister sites have been given a similar treatment over the last few months
Fail - still unusable on my phone from all the ads. You could just rename the site Taboola at this point. I doubt they’d mind since they are 90% of the content on each page.
If they’d stop measuring the cars speed, there wouldn’t be as many speeding tickets.
Couldn’t this also be an indictment on the stupid cost of medicine in the US? I mean the people that went to Sturgis deserve every bit of illness and vitriol they have coming, but $46,000 per case? The whole thing is stupid, from beginning to end.
Re-Register my peeps
I bet this comment section is gonna be a treat.
I swear I am not posting this history lesson to draw any conclusions but I felt like discussing it. In the run up to the election of 1932 Nazi Brownshirts would go into Communist and left leaning neighborhoods and start fights. Assaulting and provoking the members who lived there. They would then give interviews…