
No...we’re judging her on what we KNOW she believes.

If the league doesn’t handle it...Reeves will! He’s a bad ass and will hopefully put a whooping on Wilson that he won’t forget. Not that it’ll make Wilson stop playing the way he does...but it’ll make Vegas and its fans feel a little bit better I would like to think!

I can’t stand Tomi and her racist-ass takes...but I still think she’s kind of hot in a cheap floozy sort of way!

“Who Cares?” - apparently lots of people! And the below happened despite any real star power. Stars are cyclical and will be back so the question to me more becomes, how much will they make on the next deal when they have 3 Connor MacGregor’s?!


Slippery slope. Typically you can stop it at any time. They make sure nobody is doing it against their will, etc. You’re not “kidnapped” because you’re sort of going along with might even seem fun or part of the deal. But once they were getting naked I’m sure that’s where it crosses into a whole nother area.

The best I can explain it...I was in a fraternity back in late 1990's. I was “never going to join a frat”...but then a buddy of mine convinced me that his frat was cheaper to live there and get a meal plan than in our dorms (and we were required to live in dorms for 2 years unless in a frat). He said the sports,

Because you have a lacrosse buddy who is rich, that makes lacrosse more easy to capitalize on monetarily than basketball and football??? I think not. Maybe your lacrosse buddy was always rich and still is. That doesn’t support the theory above.

It’s only one year of college and you can go pro elsewhere first if you choose.

His ideas are good but I disagree with his statement...

I don’t hold the school or football team responsible at all. I arrest and suspend all the kids involved. No settlement, case closed. What if this happened during recess? Still sue the school? Parents just looking to make a dollar!

What makes Hicks scary is (albeit he walked the guy here) his control (he can spot 100mph fastballs) and his movement. That’s a tailing, sinking 102 mph pitch there. I believe I heard him described as having a strikezone veloctiy of 99mph - with ability to hit 103mph and still have sink at 100 mph. Pretty deadly combo

This is the right answer!

How is a blatent cross check to the head not more than a 1 game suspension?!! I mean that wasn’t like he was trying to hit him in the shoulders and it slid up into his grill. That was straight up head-hunting. But yeah, not sure how they miss that in the game. And I like that idea...that a coach can challenge for

I love Joe Kelly!

I love this! Only I kind of wish it wasn’t just in spite of Philly fans - he should do it to everyone because it’s hilarious!

Lovullo is the real “bitch” here. Calls Molina an MF’er not once but twice and then acts all surprised when Molina comes at him. Typical older dude in position of authority thinking he can hide behind the game, the umps, etc. - I like that Yadi wasn’t having it. Yadi, neck tats and all, is actually pretty widely

I don’t really care if he makes it or not...but he is 23rd in all-time career defensive WAR (ALL positions) if he puts another solid 3 years together and doesn’t fall off too much - he’ll be in pretty much guaranteed.

Exactly! Let’s also remember that he likely didn’t think he was going to take two fighters out by hurling a dolly at a bus. Not saying he shouldn’t face every consequence coming at him...but he wanted to go act like a tough guy or maybe come at Khabib or whatever...his intent wasn’t to ruin this UFC event by taking

Except that Khabib isn’t going to win!