
It’s not so bad nowadays (I guess the luxury tax thing worked). It was awful in the mid-2000's when the Yankess would be like the only team in the $200 mil’s and the next closest team (beside the Red Sox) wouldn’t even be at $100 mil. I remember thinking we could have 6 or 7 more Albert Pujols’s on our team at the

The Yanks are being punished for doubling every other team’s payroll for like 15 straight years!

Every manager is now going to challenge upper deck walk-off homeruns...because why not?

The common thinking around this year’s awful home record (when normally their home record is outstanding) is that they can only score runs on the long ball this year and that they play horrible defense. It works well on the road, but in a pitcher’s ballpark (that Busch is known to be) that plays well to good pitching

But it was brought up in the debate. And she answered it IN THIS DEBATE. So continue to ask it again and again during a 90 min debate? That would just make Trump look he has no hope to beat her except if this email thing suddently sinks in with the nation a year later.

Yeah but why keep bringing up the emails. She can only address it like 1,000 times and to her credit, she said in this debate - “Yep, I was wrong...I would’ve handled it differently, etc.”. So what - wait 5 minutes and ask about it again? Not sure what that does - she’s just going to give the same answer.

Wow...sure sounds a lot like my city (St. Louis)! Always heard there were similarities...but I never believed anywhere was as segregated as we are. Thx for not making us feel all alone!

That might explain why I never saw it again:) The ref must not have known the rule...which I guess isn’t suprising given it was cyc basketball. One question though...if the ball has already left the inbounder’s hands can you then not break the plane? Because it kind of seems at that point, all bets would be off.

Always wondered if this could be done. Now I know! I remember in a cyc basketball game once, someone on my older brother’s team was faceguarding the guy inbounding the ball from under the basket with like 4 seconds left...and having a feeling the guy might try to throw the ball off of him if it got close to a 5

Nobody cares if you hurt a girl unless you’re playing co-ed intramurals or something. If the girls signed up to play on a boys team and they’ve earned that right to play, then I’m sure they can hold their own. If you play dirty and hurt a player - nobody is going to appreciate it much either way. You hurt them more

Fair enough. I can’t argue with that. Admittedly...I don’t know that “discussion” really does anything to solve our problems either...but rioting has never done anything but further the divide. Hey - in the same shoes, I don’t doubt I’d do the same thing. I know it’s frustrating to hear “well why are you rioting

I said nothing about what black people need to do to not get killed. I think I made it pretty clear that white cops have the issue...not the other way around.

Well I’ll give Tulsa some credit for at least saying right away that there was no gun found on the scene. Seems like Tulsa has a lot more right to be rioting right now than NC. Just saying. But maybe if the NC cops/gov’t want to keep everyone in the dark on the facts - then maybe they deserve having to deal with riots

I think most everyone would agree that those 4 instances are absolutely cases where the law should have brought full on justice to those responsible. To categorize all of the shootings of blacks at the hands of police that way is irresponsible though. Every shooting now seems to bring a riot regardless of what the

Exactly. Seems like they should be protesting in Tulsa (that looked bad)...not in NC (at least not yet). And all the Ferguson stuff was crazy rioting - all on a false narrative. That’s what has a lot of people black and white not backing the protests...because many of them aren’t justified.

I agree with you. I guess what I’m saying is hate-based and one is fear/ignornace-based. Does it matter was the question I’m trying to pose. Does arriving at an answer to these problems come easier if we can distinguish between the two? If I’m black I think I’m equally offended that you either hate me or

I agree with you mostly...but I think people see Kapernick’s protest and they think of the false narrative of say the Michael Brown Hands Up Don’t Shoot - and think, he’s disrespecting the flag over an instance that was proven to be misreported. So they get mad at that...and at him But just because some of the

Yeah I guess there wasn’t much chance of him getting thru an AB without getting plugged....but hell I would’ve told him to just step way out of the box and take the strikeout just to keep him on the mound! Bochy is good stuff though - so he probably has a better idea than me!

Cue the “not the Cardinal way” jokes!

This is all on Bumgarner! Not only immature and unnecessary...but his team is in the middle of the wild card race - how stupid! Not that he got kicked out of the game (or suspended if it escalates)...but he could have.