
I had the same situation (except I wasn’t engaged) and I went with the friend I’d always liked and we’re 7 years married with kids and super-happy. Better to go for it and be wrong than always wonder. if you’re only engaged and not super-passionate...that’s a recipe for disaster going into a marriage when passion

I can’t argue with that!

It is also possible that sometimes teammates might be really good friends with this guy and feel like they know him like thier own brother and might 100% believe he is innocent because maybe he is! And on the other maybe he’s not...but why people draw blanket statements on things like this really makes no sense. If

Rousey should have to come back and fight Holm. Winner should get Tate.

I’m still a butthurt Rams fan that sort of wants the Rams to fail for the rest of eternity...but have to say that headline reads a whole lot worse than how the incident actually sounds...not that wreckless driving or resisting arrest are ever good things.

I was completely on board and absolutely think Jose deserves an instant rematch...however, you lost me at claiming it’s based on race. UFC don’t care about anything but the money! And for all the holes you can poke in the UFC’s reputation, I’ve always felt like it’s one of the most diverse sports there is. They had

Couldn’t he have just put four hundies and a five on each side and been a little better off...or does that not look as cool?!’s all about more money. Just a matter of time until Buffalo decides they want to move to Chicago. Of course St. Louis can’t compete with LA corporate-wise or TV market-wise...but that’s why the NFL has all those relocation guidelines in place - so owners can’t just move for more money. But since the NFL

Yeah...I’m pissed at him and more pissed at NFL for letting them leave my town, but I’ve always said whomever builds the stadium should make all the money from it. If an owner can pay for it himself, then he should get all the money. If city pays half, they should get half (or half minus some cut for the NFL). I never

No doubt Kroenke is a dbag...but my vitrol is aimed squarely at the NFL. They’re the ones who gave 16 reasons why an owner can’t just up and move...and when we actually were able to check most of those boxes and when we actually came up with a stadium plan (which they never thought would happen)...they basically said

Sorry Rickey (and others)...but J Todd Ricardo’s explanation makes perfect sense (at least to me). You didn’t answer his question - do you think the accused really meant his civil rights were violated? I doubt which case his point is valid. It’s not that you and Noble aren’t’s just that people can

Why not this...whoever builds the stadium gets all the profits? I’m sure that is a massive over-simplification of things. But to me, if Kroenke pays for the stadium, he should get every cent. If the city builds it, they should get every cent. If the city builds it using public funding, then somehow the profits should

Someone dunking over somebody else means nothing. It doesn’t mean they own the guy’s soul. It means they were in a super-advantageous position of having all the momentum, being really tall/able to jump and are really close to the rim. They should be able dunk over the person 90% of the time and should get fouled 8% of

I don’t think nramos is trying to be rude or anything...but his point also doesn’t really matter. Of course there’s more money to be had there. The Rams value they say will likely triple right off the bat. Doesn’t matter. Kroenke cannot leave to LA for more money just because he wants to. The rules do NOT allow owners

It was clear the Rams sideline knew he was hurt as Foles immediately began warming up. Keenum was only playing that game because Foles has been struggling - but nobody (especially after watching the first 3 quarters) actually thinks Keenum is better than Foles. So not only is Fischer a POS for leaving a

You act like a jerk, mean mug everyone, don’t shake hands and then you lose...people are going to rub it in your face. What’s so hard to understand about that? People like modesty and humility...whether that’s what sells fights or not. Plenty of people can talk smack and sell fights and still shake hands, etc. Same

That’s why I’ll always hate the Yankees. They’re spoiled-ass fans who only are this spoiled because no salary cap allowed their team to spend $100 million more than any other team for years (that’s like 5 Albert Pujols’s more than any other team). Now that the luxury tax has kicked in and the competitive balance has

It’s not bullshit at all. Diaz is a big crybaby always blaming everyone but himself. 3 failed tests, the rules are clear. You could argue that it should be 3 years instead of 5 maybe...but that’s it. He acts like the UFC has tried to hold him down. That’s the part that’s BS. He was given every opportunity to be the

I was about to feel sorry for Blake and then I remembered that he used to hook up with this...