
The eye of the storm is not hundreds of miles wide. Come on, use some common sense here. Hurricane landfall is denoted by where the center of the eye of the storm hits land, which is a specific point in the center of the storm. Not where some random, whispy outer-band clouds hit.

The experts predicted landfall as a weak cat3 five days out, which was revised down over the week as new data was collected.

The same experts who claim to know exactly what will happen with the weather in 20 years - but can’t make a decent 7 day forecast?

They predicted the location of where it would make landfall to within TWO MILES... FIVE DAYS IN ADVANCE.

But sure. Meteorologists are completely useless.


See also: F-14 and the A-10. Planes overhyped in every online corner because of successful marketing and past glories.

Ford under Fields and Hackett are making, almost point-for-point, the same mistakes that US automakers made in the 80s and 90s, by ignoring its weak points and focusing on a narrowing market sector that it knows it can corner:

laughing at people for needing to do certain things to fall asleep because they are not biologically blessed like other people is a shitty thing to do and im sorry you dont believe in the power of tea. go make fun of people somewhere else to someone else because i am not that kind of person.

I hate ALL Republicans, but John McCain earned my respect the day he defended Barack Obama while campaigning against him.

Oh come on. Your post history indicates you know as well as I do that’s not the way the Academies work.

The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch. 

I would probably respond to this article, Drew, but I need to check with George Soros on what liberal talking points and affirmations I need for this subject. As a paid protester and actor hired by Open Society Foundations, I want to properly represent my opinion that aligns with His (Soros) views.

I only have more questions now.

So we should limit what the army/marines can do to accommodate the A-10's limitations?

Because the ground troops need air support all the time, not just when it is convenient?

The A10 isn’t even being used for what it was designed for, and it’s original design was a stop gap with a short life expectancy in the technology of 40 years ago.

This is the 35B which has a pod rather than an integral gun, and thus probably carries less ammunition. The 35A and C presumably are as effective in gun runs as any other main line fighter jet - that is to say not as much as the A-10.