
You totally get it! Especially since the majority of the people committing these acts were born in America, or became citizens when they were children. How many of them were committed by people who came here illegally or overstayed their visa? So your whole theory about the INS and Border Patrol is just furthering the

I hope they throw the book at him. It’s a very, very big book. A dishonorable discharge is no joke.

I think a bunch of people who get sent to Pendleton are from smaller, fairly religious counties/communities and that they are young, dumb, racist and have been listening to Homophobic Tea Party Uncle for years.

Wow. Her statement is so incredibly eloquent and spot -on. I really hope that she will find some sort of peace.

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

I enjoy this and the salty idiot thread it created, thank you lol

I’m a Surface Warfare Officer in the Navy. Despite the immense utility of radar, visual imagery is still immensely important in detecting, identifying, and engaging contacts - “point and shoot” is a drastic oversimplification. It is often difficult to determine the direction of travel of a vessel you hold visually as


Bernie and his team wanted—nay, demanded, like it was somehow deserved—the support of a massive political entity that he has, for 26 years, refused to be a part of. He spent a quarter of a century telling the Democratic party to fuck off, and now when he wanted their help and support, no surprise, he didn’t get it.

But the problem with Bernie and his often fanatical supporters is that his “progressive agenda” is focused almost exclusively on middle class white people, which he has openly stated for years. After watching the current Democratic president easily win two elections by broadening the Democratic base and acknowledging

There are two things about Sanders’ rhetoric lately that are really frustrating me and both center around the fact that he has openly talked about not being a Democrat and only running as a Democrat because it allows him to reach a broader base than running as an independent:

Nobody every told him that they were going to let the states with black people vote.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

The numbers you are using are not in any way based on reality or flyaway cost.

The F18 was designed nearly 40 years ago. Threats have evolved to make it less survivable on a modern battlefield.

I realize that you are on Jalopnik and probably get you information from various blogs of similar caliber. I’m not going to judge. Even normal media outlets will quote those blogs because its an easy revenue generator. You guys don’t realize that people like Tyler, a guy with a background in restaurants who liked

That will be another opportunity for criticism of the jet’s continuously rising cost


Calculated the estimated costs for each aircraft in US dollars.

Procurement cost per aircraft:
F-35: 84 million
Typhoon: 127 million
Super Hornet: 125 million

Sustainment costs per aircraft:
F-35: 136 million
Typhoon: 165 million
Super Hornet: 108 million

Total costs per aircraft:
F-35: 221 million
EF Typhoon: 291 million