
It was Leonard Pierce, wasn't it?

Really? I thought it was a pretty mild, albeit snarky, criticism. I'll try again though. I wish that Brian Koppelman would take advantage of whoever books guests for other Panoply shows and interview more people who don't have professional relationships with him or his wife. I obviously enjoy and listen to the show,

If this gets cancelled, where will Brian Koppelman find guests for his podcast? His wife better hurry up and write another screenplay.

You must know a lot for guys who are lazy stereotypes.

How is that comment racist? You should look up the term "Magical Negro," so you know what you're talking about.

If it was a diagonal parking space, backing in is a dangerous and dickish move, since he'd be pulling out against traffic. Otherwise, stupid law.

I can see some Shea Wigham in that picture and he'll need work pretty soon.

When is he going to take on my long-hoped-for Boston Molasses Disaster prestige picture? For that matter, when is someone going to start a '90s college rock band called The Boston Molasses Disaster? It's a name in search of a project.

How about a sequel to Falling Down starring Kevin James?

It would probably blow his mind to learn that Islam views Jesus as a prophet.

She might win some, but she just lost one.

She might win some, but she just lost one.

No Midlake? That's a shame.

No Midlake? That's a shame.

More like the eastern tenth of the U.S., plus Chicago. Stop giving Ohio hope.

More like the eastern tenth of the U.S., plus Chicago. Stop giving Ohio hope.

I opt for happiness! James Caan doesn't opt for happiness.

I love all the songs Noel mentioned because they don't shy away from making the narrator appear selfish or bitter. In the more humorous songs, although arguably not in Brick, there also hints of self awareness. For instance, the line, "Give me my money back, you bitch," sounds like something from rap-rock hell, but

Band of Horses
Just as well. Now I won't have to justify spending arena show money to see Band of Horses open for a bunch of drunks whose first album I sort liked. Come to think, Infinite Arms sounded like somebody took a Band of Horses album and tried to turn it into something that could have been in rotation on VH1

He really does look like Sugar Ray.