Justin Garrison

A completely stupid trick I have been doing from high school is saving button pushes by finding the minimal number of button pushes and finger moves possible. Obviously the quick 1 min, 30 sec buttons help but if something calls for cooking 6 minutes (and you don't have a quick 6 min button) I usually will press 5:55.

My main gmail account has had 2 other gmail accounts merged into it which definitely made things hard. I still have a lot to clean up there but when I started a new job I took the opportunity to put more thought into my labeling system.

I think the important thing in your gmail filters (when you use them a lot) is keeping the filters short and the first 2-3 characters unique. This makes labeling so much faster because keyboard shortcuts are ~4 characters (including l for label and enter key).

Maybe questions about the most unlikely path or activity someone did to get where they are now.

Pretty much what @kcunning said. For me I was networking mostly at conferences (so cal linux expo specifically) and I randomly was talking to a guy about his iphone (this was the year the 3g came out). I liked talking about technology so I always said hi and asked people how they like their phone/tablet/laptop/google

Exactly this. MeetUps ( and conferences are great for networking and how I got my current job too.

Keep your overhead as low as possible. You won't miss TV, movies, etc. as much as you think.

gmail search (like google) doesn't acknowledge the # symbol in searches. A better tag I've used is double underscore __ before words so I can find them later. Otherwise searching for #Clipboard will be the same as just searching for Clipboard.

Three things downcast does better than pocket casts from my experience using both for ~1yr each

Anyone have a tutorial on adding a thermometer to a charcoal webber? Seems easy, I just never found a thermometer I liked.

+1 I was just going to post the link to this on Amazon

I did this for a long time to learn things too. The initial thing I wanted to learn was the US presidents. I also wanted to remember their name and what order they were in so I would integrate their term number in the password.

woops, thanks!

GitHub isn't for job history, it's for showcasing project history. Start working on projects. I can guarantee if you have a well liked and relevant GitHub project most employers won't care if you didn't actually have a paid job doing the same work. They want to see you're passionate and know how to get things done,

Volunteer. Spend your time working on free and open source projects. One of my best career moves was starting the Linux Mint podcast 5 years ago. I don't do it anymore but it helped me learn a bit more, get involved in the community, and show I knew what I was talking about when it came to Linux.

In every rating I gave myself they gave me a scale to gauge myself on, but often the scale didn't help. For example, one scale for "Linux knowledge" was 1 - You've installed Linux before and 10 - You are a kernel maintainer. That's a pretty broad scope and hard to just pick a number.

I'm not saying I passed my tests, I for sure didn't pass all of them. I do find there are a lot of people with an education but not real world experience. Finding people that actually know how to solve a problem and not follow a script/guide are harder to come by.

The best way I found was to write some custom functions that solve a problem you face and put them on GitHub or technet (assuming there's not proprietary information in them).

Screening calls I always tried to schedule just before lunch. That way I could start lunch a little early and continue on during lunch if needed. Sometimes I just planned them before meetings at other buildings. I would leave ~45 min early for the meeting, take the call, and then go to the meeting.