Justin Garrison

Great! I'll try to make it to this one. I got the webOS apps covered below too.

1. Preware

When's the next Lifehacker meetup?

As someone who has a blog and used to use it for my email I would not recommend doing this because, at least in my case, some people didn't understand anything but @hotmail, @aol, @yahoo etc. So when I would tell them my email I constantly had to re-say it and then spell it for people just so they could send me an

I agree with what others are saying in the comments, if you are using Windows only, try input director. It has some more advanced features like copy and paste files between computers etc.

@icerabbitje: There is a way to do it with audio only through an add-on (I think it's called multi-room audio) but there is no built in way to do it with video.

That video just blue screened my computer with Windows 7 in Chrome. Twice! In firefox it just doesn't play.

How about adding Windows Live Messenger to the mix? I know not a lot of people use it but it would be nice to see how it stacks up.

@shkm: you mean like Apple products?

@freedomweasel: That's true. Blu-ray costs for licensing but it IS the best quality you can buy at the store.

@tightconcepts: I believe some RAID controllers may be proprietary and thus if you cannot get the exact same controller you may lose all your information. Such is the case with the last RAID 1 system I had set up. I thought I had everything "backed up" because it was mirrored but when the RAID controller died (and was

@schunniky: I will gladly take an HD2 off your hands!

@noamjamski: Only certain carriers will carry the G2 with stock android. The others will have HTC Sense installed.

I'm all about Yan Can Cook rice maker. I use it at least once a week.

@endolith: Try updating to 11+ now that it merged again with NSSBackup it is much better.

@Moonflower: That is exactly the plan for my next article.

@rathat: webOS tablet will be the way to go. :)

@wtfnuggets: I agree, I hate that Apple's operating system is called "Mac" and OS "X" by the general public. It is properly called OS "ten" as in "Operating System ten" which is the worse name for an OS ever.