
If you get out of your car and see you’re parked over or too close to the line, too far in or too far out, hindering someone’s access to their car, or otherwise like an asshole, get back in your car and fix it. I don’t care if you drive a pickup so big you need a ladder to get in it with tires so wide they have their

That sounds a lot like PernMUSH, which got a similar exemption.

Dumbbells require that each hand, arm, shoulder, etc work independently (more or less). With a barbell you can compensate (some might say cheat) if one side is weaker than the other. Whether this is important to you or not depends on what your goals are and how much of an imbalance you have. If you just want to lift

The “What’s up Danger” scene is a thing of pure, unadulterated beauty.

In my opinion Into The Spider-verse is the best by far, and quite possibly the best superhero movie ever made.  Great story and visually stunning, but above all just a joyous love letter for the source material that really gets at a spirit that none of the live action ones can touch.

You mention that she is in No Time to Die, but not that she stole the goddamn movie.

“Susan Cooper’s The Dark Is Rising

I know enough to know that people have died *in production* and somehow they put something together that seems to pass muster.

Get a better actress, you say? I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Lupita is RIGHT THERE. They’ve got time to rewrite things now. God knows Disney and Marvel have the money to reshoot the shit out of this thing. Write her out. Make Lupita the new Black Panther instead. Problem solved.

Replace her with a quickness. If she is a problem on this to the point where she has no issue demonstrating that she gives zero shits about the rest of the cast and crew, and holding up an entire film for her ignorant, wack-a-doo political beliefs? She is not somebody you want on your team at all. This would not be

Yeah, don’t do the soda thing. Especially if you have lenses with coatings.

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

The paperweight Infinity Stones are from timelines that don’t exist anymore, so maybe that’s why they don’t work. Ultron isn’t destroying timelines or universes, he’s just fumigating them.

Lizzo as the bodyguard and I’m in.

How the fuck has Lifehacker fallen to the point where pop spiritualism is being treated as a serious subject?

I find it kind of funny

Good thing angels use the decimal system like we do.

You can always judge a man by how he treats his dog. It seems that not only is this dog under socialized, and under trained, but it is also unloved and suffering from lack of proper stimulation. Poor thing.

This might be the Batshitmobile.