
I know, right? I love dogs - I will pat any dog that’s up for it, but you ask the owner first. If the owner says no, okay. Maybe the dog doesn’t like strangers, maybe it gets overexcited, maybe they just don’t like strangers patting their dog, doesn’t matter. And reaching into someone else’s car is just straight-up

They’re all good dogs, Brant.

I get the joke, and it’s funny, it really is - but that image also creeps me right the fuck out for some reason. Like these disembodied limbs are just crawling over people or holding them up or... ::shudder::

Early on in the club’s life, she used to engage with some of the members, even - emailed back when someone asked her canon questions. The last of those was around 2001, according to the club website.

“As I reflect upon the state of our American democracy, I observe a growing crisis in ethics and integrity,” Tillerson said in his speech. “If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a

McCaffrey banned all fanfiction for her series Dragonriders of Pern from 1992 until 2004

Beautiful doggo!

Yeah, nobody ever got massive shoulder boulders by accident. It just doesn’t work that way - especially for women, who don’t have nearly the levels of testosterone working for us as men. You might develop some muscle tone - whether or not you get the body fat percentage down enough to show it as clearly as a

Given how Trump-endorsed candidates have usually gone, Jenkins and Morrissey probably both said no to an endorsement. Or, more accurately, fuck no, hell no, and fuck no again.

I”ll be in my bunk.

You are correct in that Pratt is always last. But you are wrong, wrong, wrong about Pine being best. Definitely Evans.

Thank you for confirming I’m not nuts.

I swear to god I posted an answer to this pointing here, and it’s vanished. I wanted to add this to it - pic of none pizza order.

The Titan-Thanos backstory only has Thanos to lean on, and while it’s still moving, maybe just one more convincing shot of Thanos pleading with his planet elders to hear him out may have made the mission more palatable.

On the Hulk: yup. He’s never had to learn to fight, not really. He’s just been a bigger pair of fists and been able to tank more than anyone else he’s ever gone up against. He’s never had to learn how to actually read a fight or cope with defeat.

We promise, we’re going to stop with the all-Janelle Monáe-everything...

Horses are, generally speaking, cooperative with humans. They weigh a (literal, in some cases) ton, they have minds of their own - but they choose to cooperate with us. They also, for the most part, watch where they put their feet which is nice of them. They’re easy to love. I miss spending time with horses.

There could be a whole cottage industry here. Especially if the artists don’t find themselves feta’d to just one type of sculpture and can branch out into other forms.

I’m in Australia, which is different around insurance and medical expenses. I generally like our system - example, around a year ago I blew my knee at the gym. Emergency room, x-ray, consult with a doctor and physio on the day, all in pretty timely fashion, cost me nothing and it was good care. Surgery, though, can be