Rote Zora

I've been here for years. I've read many, many of the articles. I think some of the criticism is just because some readers have decided they hate him. Many of the authors, including well loved ones, have said offensive things.
I still think your comment was mean and disrespectful. There was no reason to bring up

I think your comments are really cruel, and I think they need to be moderated.

Slow news day?
Seriously, this is so stupid and gross.

Shhh! Don't let anyone know I can't spell.

So, what is OLD then? 25?
Can we stop calling anyone that isn't a fucking teenager old now?
While we are at it, can we stop looking towards a teenager for what's cool and trending?

I conquer. At the ripe age of 31 I don't give a shit what the teens like. They have terrible taste.

Planet Earth is the perfect hangover show on the couch with friends. So soothing.
Honorable mention: Too Cute

It's cruel and unnessesary.

You guys, be nicer to your partners when they are sick. They don't feel well! They are NOT faking it! Just give them some sympathy (free and easy) and make them some grill cheese and give them a blanky or leave them alone. Your suposed to love each other and that includes when they are being a whiney baby.

You know what? THINGS CAN NOT ALWAYS CONTINUE TO EXPONENTIALLY GROW. It's so stupid. Nail polish is doing just fine. It's still more popular than before there was the 'boom'.

Um, if we don't want older adults to be attracted to teenages maybe we should start by NOT SEXUALIZING THEM.

You know, I'm 31 and I had cancer last year and although you would want to have all your ducks in a row, not everyone dies. There is a good chance that even if you were diagnosed with it that you will do your treatments and go on to lead a lovely life.

There were always advertisements at the back of comic books - Mostly Archie, I think. I didn't have much of the stuff because it was really expensive when I was a child. Gotta say, those stickers and stuff were pretty magical to my child-like sensibilites. But no, don't feel sad. It's just a stupid brand. You can make

I lived in Canada my whole life and we had Lisa Frank.

I saw Beyonce and Penelope Cruize.

I gree with you, a lot could be left up to the imagnination. Also, it's awkward watching sex scenes with other people.

Orange is the New Black gets better with that. I thought that too when I saw the first episode. It was gratuitous. Like in order to tell women's stories we have to first see them naked. And the first episode is not like the rest of the series. Which is excellent.

Speaking of fa-shaming. I've been noticing all my life how much fat shaming there is in TV and movies. Like, A LOT. Especially kid's movies. So maybe there is a reason why everyone is so sensitive to this and we should stop having shows where every single time there is a fat person they are eating?

It's too bad that they think everyone wants to watch the same show. Maybe they should just make different holiday specials for different groups of people.