Rote Zora

Hi! I just turned 30 and I have to start Tamaxofen in a couple of months (I am almost done chemo and then do radiation). I feel exactly the way that you do! Also, I feel guilty because the last thing in the world I want is sex. My partner is super patient too but I just have no idea what to do. It's not like he signed

And we wonder why girls put such an emphasis on shopping and beauty. It takes a lot of money to look that cheap! This is part of the reason women are in debt or live paycheque to paycheque.

Yah, that seemed way off. I even go a day WITHOUT A TEXT. And I am popular and have friends.

Eh, I'm with you on this one. The people that really have to watch out are the vulnerable ones.

Yah, it is gross. All that sugar-free stuff is gross.

I love your comment.

I saw what you did.

I like the one about owning your own vehicle. I know this has nothing to do with me but I would have more respect for a person that drives a paid-for shitty-mobile than one that leases a new one.

I am replying just so this get's moved up!

Thank you.

She is young! A teenager! This is what they are like. Don''t you remember? I am only 30 and I remember being so pissed at my mom for scheduling a surgery to get my wisdom teeth out when there was a Planet Smashers concert. How dare she! I had only seen them like 3 times! I went with chipmunk cheeks.


He is not the only writer on this site that does that.

I heard you, I have also never heard of these things before and they also sounds awful. I am a sensitive person but wouldn't get too worked up if you insulted my casserole.

I get your point, but your tone is condescending.

Yay! That's good. It is nice being and adult and doing holidays like an adult.


Aw, that's so sad about that fancy meal. I love foodie-people. I am not one myself but I will eat their delicious food. (I am glad the dog is OK)

Hey everybody!

I can't believe how rude people are with their phones now. It's not the new technology, I think it is just a lack of common sense.