Pre-rendered trailer is even worse for racing games.
Pre-rendered trailer is even worse for racing games.
OK, does sound pretty wonderful (just not that unique?). But the car can - AND SHOULD - stand on it’s own. No need to doctor it up and throw in all sorts of (mostly terrible) CGI. I’m picky about this with it!
The sound is...fine. If it’s even real. But I must say.....that was one of the worst hype videos I’ve ever seen. I can’t stand fake automotive videos....especially when the car is so capable and glorious. That was just disappointing and embarrassing.
Probably wouldn’t work out as well as you think it would:
False sense of security, bruh.
“I need a flying license.”
Is anyone else secretly hoping this thing comes out in 9 months and absolutely tears up the hypercar game?
No, not really.
Jason feels that these movies, along with that Need for Speed movie, are destroying car culture and insulting automotive enthusiasts by labeling us as simpletons. When in reality the first Fast and Furious movie created a whole new industry of young car enthusiasts.
While I am neither a F&F or Vin Diesel fan, do we really have to be so harsh? It's clear that his heart is very close to the film, and what's so bad about having a crazy strong opinion? We know it probably won't happen, but let the man have his opinion.
Impeding traffic? What was behind him, the Mayor's Veyron?
So all the spectators are pieces of shit, and so were the ones that died. They showed up to witness an illegal activity, for the same reason people race, for the rush. Maybe you should learn how to proportion blame as well. The spectators who died are 50% responsible for their own demise, simply by showing up to…
"Anyone that knowingly and willing breaks the law and kills someone in the process is a piece of shit."
Harder than you'd think with today's cars.
Well, I've worn the uniform of the USN, but I'm also giving up American nationality, so that gives me an interesting perspective on this, and uh...
You would engage in a scorched earth policy which indiscriminately killed all or nearly all civilians and rendered an entire nation uninhabitable because you feel that an attack on a military asset, a CAG and battlegroup, was disrespectful of American authority?
So it's unnerving when Russia does it, but when the US "frees the shit out of people", kills thousands of innocent people with drone strikes and other neo-imperialist shenanigans it's just fine and dandy? Are you here just to keep the typical hypocritical bullshit wheels spinning?
Jay had better be careful as the Sultan controls the world's largest supply of denim.