Rosy Fingers

I've actually had the same thoughts as Erica along the lines of "wow, Grande clearly and immediately realised the import of this horrible event she's now the centre of and she went to ground to get the best possible professional PR advice on how to handle it. That's great and displays a shitload more intelligence than

It's not that they outgrow cartoons, but at a certain point there's no way they want to sit in a cinema full of little kids. Of course by that point in your parenting life you'll likely be plenty sick of little kids too.

Oh, is that why it won an Oscar?

Hah, I remember when Doug Benson was promoting some kind of chewing tobacco with an ad that ended like "This product causes cancer."

E's in the Eels, cobber.

It certainly seemed that way but the period of time covered in Breaking Bad is far shorter than it seems. Season 1 covers something like a month in the life of the characters. It took like four seasons to cover nine months, so their career was advancing at a fairly swift pace.

It was locker room talk.

Vice Academy taught me feminism and Vice Academy 3 turned me into a greenie.

I agree. The ass rock he makes is bad.

Even "I Love Rock and Roll"?!?

Gotta find a forum somewhere!

Well, you're drunk-commenting with empathy, which makes you one of the good ones. Well done!

William Burroughs' Junky is about crime at its pettiest.

But was there an onion tied to your belt? Enquiring minds want to know!

Read Kingdom of Fear, his final book in which he clearly knew it was his final book. He did see this coming and it's totally one of his reasons. I mean, his body was probably giving up on him too, but he just seemed done.

"It's meta! People love meta."
- casting director's intern

Also, Electrolite

That's journalist shaming!

Drink beer at soccer and yell at the referee.