Rosy Fingers

Yep, you're right, was thinking of Brits.

I moved to NZ from Australia somewhat recently. I confirm that NZ takes the meat pie far more seriously. It's like an art form here, even at the local bakery level.

In Australia, "chips" are slices of potato. Whether baked and packaged, or deep fried and served hot.

Okay, look. I've been around for plenty years and I understand pretty much all the references, but for whatever reason I missed the Nabin jellybeans one. Please link or explain. It's driving me crazy!

One of America's great lies is convincing its working classes that they're middle class.

I'm pretty sure they voted for a rich and famous guy just because he's a sexist bigot.

In an interview I read, he was just thrilled that he's now able to eat apples.

Awww. I thoroughly enjoyed "Whatever Happened to Alternative Nation?"

That's fair enough. Despite their critical and popular esteem, Radiohead are a fairly specific flavour of music. I personally like them a lot because their drony rhythm appeals to my depressive sensibilities, but I can see how they would repel listeners. The sound of Morrissey singing sets my teeth on edge but I

It's printed on scrolls of artisanal papyrus, hand pressed by delighted Egyption school children. The ink is GMO-free squid leavings.

"We are the new flesh."

"I know a little German… He's sitting over there."

That actually looks a bit more like it. Thanks.

Well, maybe if you people would stop having social lives and would stay in every night watching tv, we could spread things out a bit. I feel like I'm left carrying the bag here.

Nice sentiment but to be honest, and as much as I hate to say it, the political champs right now are not on the left. It's the "moderate" Republicans who are refusing to enact the demands of the Freedom Caucus and their ilk. Can you imagine the pressure they're under to just give in and vote the White House line, to

I'm as compulsively obsessed with this governmental disaster as anybody and I check Politico daily, but that site is like 75% punditry and people speculating about what could happen. Anybody know a good source of just-the-facts news? Like, this is what actually happened, these laws passed, these laws failed, this guy

Well, he's been sober for about a decade now. That'll do it just as well as bypass surgery.

I somehow missed that Uncle Joey plotline in all those Fuller House episodes that i definitely watched.

Oh, man, I'm sorry about that. Harris was a bit peripheral to my childhood, a bit too cheesy, but I can see it. It hurts when nostalgic memories are hit by the realisation that some adults are fucking horrible.

Fun fact: the Great Wall of China wasn't actually built to keep the Mongol hordes out, it was built to keep the perfect dumpling recipe in.