Rosy Fingers

It's the best kind of fame: All the scrutiny, none of the money!

Woah, you found five whole bucks?! Way to bury the lede.

I was reading a book about SNL''s first ten years and so I've been watching seasons two and three, the supposed glory years with the original crew. They are… well, they're not good. At least eighty percent awful.

If it's true that he cameos in the first one then this was all locked in and contracted well before his divorce. I imagine that breaking a Depp contract would be pretty expensive.

Fucker doesn't deserve the Carpenters…

True, true.

Eh, I think an orchestrated public relations campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of a hateful celebrity asshole who's now trying to frame himself as the victim, a campaign that's seeming at least somewhat successful according to the articles cited above, is worth covering on a pop culture website.

I highly recommend seeking out the old 1980's Prince Caspian board game, if you can find it. It was easily the MVP of our collection. It's simple enough for five year olds but still engaging up to around twelve. The format changes with each game. The design is pretty. It's a solid twenty to thirty minutes of play.

"Oh, you just know what everyone should do, don't you, Marge?"

The thing was that Royals criticises materialistic American pop culture, which from the vantage-point of suburban New Zealand (where the average income is almost half that of the USA) is incomprehensible even as it dominates NZ pop culture. Americans often have a really hard time understanding that their cultural

Dystopian steampunk Peter Rabbit & Friends.

I hope they add an unnecessary wedding at the end of the final movie, just to assure us the characters aren't gay.

[edit] damnit. Five hours late to this joke. Redacted.

I saw it! It was, um … it exists.

That was definitely the period where Vedder was assuming his position as band leader, even though he was second-last to join (I think). So yeah, I'm sure a lot of it was about protecting the band's and Vedder's image as the enlightened ones.

That sounds very, very probable. I'd place money on Crowe.

Haha, really? That would definitely piss me off if I was in his band. It's just a glorified vision of a pelican.

Nailed it.

Fair enough. I was reaching for 'friends of Pearl Jam' and Cornell was first that came to mind.

Abbruzzese definitely had more of an attitude of, "Whoo! We're famous!" - there's some old story I half-remember about him pulling up to the studio in a new sports car and the rest of the band sneering and being all Gen-X sarcastic, like "Yeah, that's cool. So sure, he cares about stuff like this.